The latest instalment of the MSM’s delighted discovery of Loonies & Libertarians United (Politicians from Britain’s three main political parties should be hanged and their voters tried for treason, Ukip candidate says) had me wondering about the ramifications of the enforcement of law hate speech in Spain (which, btw, could equally be used against those on the right who believe that the 1995 abolition of the death penalty in times of war (i.e. secession) was unconstitutional).
The Chinese ceremonially top an embezzler every now and again, though judging by the number of immensely wealthy communists allegedly laundering money through Spanish real estate the intent is less to encourager les autres than to convince Western investors that corruption is being taken seriously.
The León murder seems to have been about control of the spoils system, the only route to wealth in most of Spain, and was therefore political, even though the rivals – thoroughly unpleasant, the lot of them – were affiliated to the same gang. There’s nothing surprising about this last fact: as Andalusia and Valencia demonstrate, it is difficult to dislodge what appear to be criminal organisations once their claws are firmly lodged in a territory, and so it’s logical that turf wars at regional level should be intra- rather than inter-party. Some of stories coming out of the split and collapse of the Catalan Socialist Party in Barcelona’s metropolitan belt are pretty gross, but in the worst of all hypothetical scenarios I think they’d opt for cement.
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