Walking home through Hackney this evening, I met a charity shop with a sign that read, “Donation’s welcome.” “Are you sure about that?” I asked the proprietor. “Donation is welcome,” he explained. So “Apple’s £2 / kilo” means “Apple is two pounds a kilo,” there’s obviously a dialect singular / plural thing going on, and…
This encourages my suspicion that dyslexic but often anagrammatic barbarisms are part of a defensive strategy, conscious or not: we must needs take from the foreign devil, but we will transform our takings to frustrate his evil intent or disguise our weakness. There is a parallel, of course, in the way we northern devil-worshippers use…
En la entrevista previa a mi ordenación diaconal, el cardenal Ricard Mª me preguntó: ¿Tienes pensado vestir clergyman? Ante mi respuesta afirmativa me espetó: Eso es lo que yo quiero: Que cuando vean a un sacerdote vestido de cura, la gente diga:” ¡Ahí va un sacerdote de Barcelona!” Or is it a reference to Irish…
Excellent loonies Anglogalician Cup (“their prize, six feet of English soil”) & not so excellent ones, featuring Jimmy’s final swim. In the latter category, an amiable Cataloony the other day: the Albigensian Crusade was guiri genocide against the Occitans, ebola and Malaysian MH-17 are connected, Rajoy introduced ebola into Spain to kill off Podemos supporters,…
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