The wig isn’t mine (I need one like this), and neither is the firewood I am clutching, but I obviously do share most of the opinions expressed. I may get round to posting a rough translation of the Catalan.
The itching time came up yesterday, probably referring to Francoism, while I was prancing around in a new wig for purposes that will shortly be revealed. DCVB says “l’any de la picor” refers to distant times, and proverbologist Víctor Pàmies cites Joan Amades’s hypothesis that it comes from the Year of Fleas and Famine, 1471,…
Rather weary yesterday PM after a morning’s rabbit-hunting, so bumbled through Evelyn Waugh’s brilliant Decline and fall and Vile bodies, which contain quite a number of afternoon naps. Conjecture: the British began to replace the expression with “siesta” as they started staying awake after lunch and drowsing off became associated with the lazy Latins. Refutation:
The world is clearly lost when even speakers of Romance languages start doing this. “Then, without stopping, the guitarist and Ellington segwayed into Body and Soul“? I hope not.
Joan Ripollès Iranzo thinks Arturo (the “o” disappeared in public a decade ago) Mas may be on the way out, Elena Ribera isn’t so sure. My favourite Reverend Bacon this time round was Oriol Junqueras, whose resemblance to a mad pig conceals the fact that he is a cunning one. I loved his recycling of…
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