On the other hand…

Why the mob may want to consider murder and mayhem. With apologies to the Archpriest of Hita.

Stork's-eye view of a frog.

Is Javier Cercas a necromancer?

How else to explain his repeated use of the motif “políticamente * y personalmente roto” in Anatomía de un instante?

Ngram: afternoon nap vs siesta

Rather weary yesterday PM after a morning’s rabbit-hunting, so bumbled through Evelyn Waugh’s brilliant Decline and fall and Vile bodies, which contain quite a number of afternoon naps. Conjecture: the British began to replace the expression with “siesta” as they started staying awake after lunch and drowsing off became associated with the lazy Latins. Refutation:


Introducing the Spanish heavy rock unlaut (sic).