Extweets for October 2024


Extweets for July 2024


Extweets for June 2024


Past todays

2004: If you have to kiss a trombonist, kiss the drunk one 2004: Daisy, Daisy, give me your serpent, do! 2005: Work and the drinking man 2005: The hole that rockets the cradle 2005: French to challenge Google with pubic funds? 2006: Off-topic 2006: Ciudadanos de Cataluña 2006: A village called Sin 2007: Harlem Jazz Club pics 2008: Catalan government censors Montjuïc castle from Google Earth 2008: Etymology of Montjuïc/Mountjoy/Montjoie 2009: Spanish woman academic dresses according to stereotype 2011: Pink and blue, friends for you 2011: Here you get holiday


From Mariano José de Larra (1809-37), El casarse pronto y mal:

Habrá observado el lector, si es que nos ha leído, que ni seguimos método, ni observamos orden, ni hacemos sino saltar de una materia en otra, como aquel que no entiende ninguna, cuándo en mala prosa, cuándo en versos duros, ya denunciando a la pública indignación necios y viciosos, ya afectando conocimiento del mundo en aplicaciones generales frías e insípidas. Efectivamente, tal es nuestro plan, en parte hijo de nuestro conocimiento del público, en parte hijo de nuestra nulidad.


The reader will have noticed, if he has indeed read us, that we neither follow a method, nor do we observe order, but do nothing but leap from one field to another, as one who understands none, sometimes in bad prose, others in crude verse, whether denouncing to public outrage fools and dissolutes, or affecting knowledge of the world in cold and insipid generalisations. Such is our plan, in part born of our knowledge of the public, in part of our insignificance.