Generalitat de Catalunya: St George is Susanowo in Japanese

Yesterday the Catalan government mounted some kind of co-branding (brand leeching, if you prefer) spectacle with the Japanese ambassador to Spain, which seems to have been designed to encourage the local public to contribute money to Japanese reconstruction and the Japanese to empathise with Catalan nationalist aspirations. Much was made of the virtues of industry…

The japanish writer Haruki Murakami awarded with the 23th Premi Internacional Catalunya

We’re talking the front page of the website of a Catalan government whose words consist of endless recycling of the cliché about taking its rightful place among the family of nations (its deeds are something different), which spends millions employing friends and relatives in “embassies” around the world, and which has just given a celebrated…

Traditional and Mediterranian Root Entertainment Fair

Watching them grow? Or is there a sexual metaphor in the Government of Catalonia’s 9 billion euro March bond issue? The document is actually fine as a whole so I guess they just copy-pasted the list of public “companies and organisations”. Arrel in “Fira d’Espectacles d’Arrel Tradicional, Mediterrani” is correctly translated as “roots”, but a…

“Mittlestuffe” and illegal Catalan limitations on the provision of tourist services

Picking up linguistic errors by the Catalan government is shooting phish in a barrel–they often have difficulties with Catalan–but my non-empirical impression is that they and other local authorities struggle rather more with German than with English. Classic English errors are still there to be enjoyed, of course: take for example {-gn -> -ng}, as…

“Language Policy at Catalonia”

A delightful mistranslation on the Generalitat’s translation page (you’ll probably need to click through to the English version if your language default is Spanish or Catalan). (Thanks JD)