“Education for the Citizenship”: deliberately poor translation from the Valencian government?


Just seen on CNN+, a Valencian teacher teaching central government’s controversial new Educación para la Ciudadanía. In Spanglish, as required by her bosses. So the first words she writes on the blackboard are “Education for the Citizenship and Human Rights”. Even Google Language Tools translates it correctly as “Education for Citizenship”. The Valencian government’s website gets the title right, but the damage is already done.

The content on the website is poorly written and plagued by poor and inaccurate translation. With very few Valencian teachers (or students) speaking decent English, there seems little chance of anything fruitful arising from the initiative. This may for party-political reasons be what the Valencian government wants, but it’s difficult to imagine foreign businesses looking at this and saying, Hey, the Valencians are really taking education seriously, let’s invest.

What a bunch of freaking clowns.

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Last updated 18/07/2018

This post pre-dates my organ-grinding days, and may be imported from elsewhere.Categories Uncategorized

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