Wages & sin

The government has just announced that the minimum wage is to be increased to slightly less than even most illegals are earning, and the usual crazies are up in arms about this betrayal. Here, from the edition of Ideal published August 17th 1936 is something that would have been closer to their hearts:

In Barcelona, the Central Committee of the CNT and anarchosyndicalists have announced the socialisation of wealth; also established, they say, are salary increases of 15%, a 40 hour working week and a reduction of 50% in home rents. A Portuguese warship has anchored in the port of Barcelona to collect Portuguese and Brazilian subjects who want to receive the protection of their flag.

I’m not sure what the current attitude of Trotsky is to prostitution, but here is something published the previous day in Solidaridad Obrera that shows a faith in progress long lost by the mob, obsessed by spectres of speculation:

The poorer quarters have to disappear. They must be destroyed as a prophylatic means. The revolutionary mattock must rip out the aching entrails that have taken root in our society. The bourgeoisie erects its pleasure districts. The young gentlemen and the bosses of the factories and of the large financial establishments delight in the flesh of the brothels and the music halls. District V [the area to the right of La Rambla as you head towards Barcelona’s harbour] is the receptacle of the girls and the homosexuals who are at the service – due to the economic imperative – of the exploiters of human flesh.

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