What does “50 beautiful circle” mean?

Since the floods last month in China, the writer of the following email has no the house, has no the farmland and has been living in a bamboo hut and eating wild vegetables. Fortunately for us his G5 and high-speed connection survived, although I am not sure I completely understand what he is trying to…

Columbus probably Caucasian, possibly Catalan

From the Discovery Channel summary it looks like they have had the sense not to haul in local nutcase Jordi Bilbeny in support of the latter assertion (his Brevíssima relació de la destrucció de la Història. La falsificació de la descoberta catalana d’Amèrica must be some of the most comically incompetent history ever written). However,…

But prof, what use is my language degree?

There are thirty UK jobs listed on LanguageJobs.com, which describes itself as “the job search portal designed for language professionals and multilingual talent“: Bricklayers, carpenters, labourers Uk – London Quality building contractors with experience of conservatory installations including base, brickwork, and erecting, URGENTLY required. Good pay rates!!! Please conntact: ds@mnminternational.org Job type: Full-Time Type of…


When I skimmed this column by Ralph Routon on Amarillo.com, I assumed that it consisted completely of single-sentence paragraphs, but unfortunately he’s thrown in a couple of multi-sentencers halfway through. Tabloids do it, American teachers may have encouraged it with their practice of making pupils create a backbone to be fleshed into paragraphs, but I’m…

Ah, the local press!

La Vanguardia is rewriting history again: Hitler was responsible for Tossa de Mar’s tourist boom, at least that’s what the inhabitants of this town on the southern Costa Brava maintain. Although they were unaware of this, the first news of international tourism involves three Britons who arrived in 1915, fleeing World War I. The full…