The demonstrations were not limited to Madrid. Below: 17,000 en Sevilla … from Antonio Rull’s photostream.
One wonders whether the writer may not have rather lost touch with her family name’s linguistic heritage, and she’s duly outed in comments by hewtwit:
I live around the corner from there in seville (plaza de encarnacion) and it looks from that photo more like there were a few hundred people there, as opposed to 17000! 17M refers to the date (17 mayo) not the attendence!
H/t Charles Butler, who is disappointed that
their platform, rather than being the break with the past that it touts itself to be, is little more than a recycling of the utopian, lowest common denominator and subsidized lunch for everyone theme teleported directly from 1968 – with revealing token bits of modern detritus such as the insistence that the law prohibiting free downloads of copyrighted entertainment be rescinded.
I haven’t followed the ley Sinde business at all, but my impression is that if intellectual justification for Somalian-scale piracy of other people’s creative endeavours had been sought then it would have been in the French-inspired death-of-the-author school. I believe that the principal culprits, Foucault and Barthes, did quite well out of the royalties, but they’re stone-dead in Anglophonia:
However their stars are respectively ascendant and neutral in Hispanophonia:
I suppose this might explain why what seems like tired old ideology to Anglos has a fresh and exciting air to the miniscule numbers of middle class Spanish youth demanding, like the politicians they purport to despise, a meal ticket for life.
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