Castells, for real

A mad, mad Japanese video, and a human ladder at the Muslim siege of Aleppo in 637.

Roman double testudo, from Potter <em>Archaeologia graeca</em>. I'm told that the optimal shagging angle for turtles is 30º, so this counts as deviant.

Counting the corrupt

A numerate, corrupt mayor, some innumerate anti-corruption campaigners, and de Tocqueville.

100% of Spanish graduates interviewed (sample size: 1) said this <a href=''>abacus</a> was in fact architect's plans for a bowling alley.

The English School, Barcelona struggles with English

I liked this bit about the school spelling competition: Obviously, spelling in our three languages causes problems, but these are gradually overcomed with a high standard being obtained. The site is full of simple errors, so that the school’s claim to offer “a high quality academical, linguistic and cultural education” seems dubious in at least…

Boingboing: 17M = 17,000

Ms Jardin: The demonstrations were not limited to Madrid. Below: 17,000 en Sevilla … from Antonio Rull’s photostream. One wonders whether the writer may not have rather lost touch with her family name’s linguistic heritage, and she’s duly outed in comments by hewtwit: I live around the corner from there in seville (plaza de encarnacion)…

Fresh, Nasty and Well-Balanced in the Mouth

An advert for eating young live crab? Of course not: it’s a mistranslated wine label, discovered by the excellent Warren Edwardes. I’m guessing that this is the Casa de la Viña 2010 Chardonnay, whose translated web puff is better, though by no means faultless.

How to make your street organ twitch and stammer like a well-tuned poxy cove

With an example, sampled from a French street organist, MIDI-fied and manipulated, and finally re-WAVd.With an example, sampled from a French street organist, MIDI-fied and manipulated, and finally re-WAVd.[:fr]With an example, sampled from a French street organist, MIDI-fied and manipulated, and finally re-WAVd.[:nl]With an example, sampled from a French street organist, MIDI-fied and manipulated, and finally re-WAVd.With an example, sampled from a French street organist, MIDI-fied and manipulated, and finally re-WAVd.