The Montreal Gazette takes a swing at particle dynamics

Here. I know that they have more important things to think about in Montreal, and to be fair afaik none of the MSM say exactly what problem(s) Shouryya Ray’s supposed to have solved (hints here) in order to rack up his second prize, but FFS.

Bankia says sorry

Go here and enter “Why did you lie to everyone, you bastards?” [Apologies: At the time of writing Bea did indeed say “I’m sorry,” followed by something about not speaking English yet.] Most of their site is well translated, and apart from English it’s available in Catalan and Valencian, so no money wasted there. However…

¡España británica!

Why impose disastrous Spanish policies on thriving Gibraltar when British colonisation of Spain would have so many advantages?

Vitoria: Wellington could have had it all.