Learn those languages

Obese Peruvian male midget standing texting in c/ Robador in front of a poster which in English says: “Going to the Filmoteca? I am a sex worker. Respect my rights!” The coppers have had the street in general, and two buildings in particular, in lockdown for a while now, and men are being fined €1000…

Please update your RSS feed for this blog

Google hasn’t contradicted persistent rumours that Feedburner, like their Reader product, is on the way out. Three options to keep reading: The new feed for kalebeul is https://elorganillero.com/blog/feed/ Email subscription is now via https://elorganillero.com/blog/email-subscription/ You can follow posts on Twitter at https://twitter.com/kalebeul Feedburner was good while it lasted and I guess Google Plus must satisfy…

Rolf Harris abused me

I paid off some of my student debt by growing a beard and playing light music at the cold end of the marble meat fridge near the American embassy in Mayfair which served as library for Mr Harris‘ publishers, and as hotel and knocking shop for numerous passing librarians. One day I was sent over…

Outsourcing conscience

Gifting it to state/ideology/party/creed/nation/marketable guru is clearly for idiots, but I find that this guy, apart from minor issues of bat and ball, works quite well as a check to wilder impulses. (Don’t worry, OBOers, there’s a rel=”noreferrer” in there.)

Lo vostre cul, solucionado

La respuesta a esta pregunta es sencilla: el editor omitió los sonidos de cagar de la versión impresa, y el “trobo divertit sens pecar de la merda y del cagar” debe haber sido un poema de seis quintetos, con esquema de rima ABABA (?) y bastante parecido al rondó redoublé francés de dos / tres…
Imagen de la balada de la fiera malvada del país de Jerusalén.