Translation of “The political economy of Catalan independence”

Clemente Polo has blogged a short book containing what feel like author-translated essays by him and four other anti-secessionists, José Luis Feito, Ángel de la Fuente, Guillem López Casanovas and Joan Roselló Villalonga. Here is Polo on “The economic consequences of the Succession War (1702-1714)”: Economic historians underlie the importance of both Castilian and American…

“I’am Barcelonian” feels all wrong, but which demonym do we deserve?

Barcelona Council features over at Harvey’s Barna cream. “Barcelonian” has a long and respectable tradition, though, like Peter, I wouldn’t use it. I think in my case this is because I associate it with troglodytes who think “vibrant” is still a vote-winner, and with Wikipedians, who may well work for the Ajuntament. But what implicit…

The Daily Mail on Jeremy Clarkson in Argentina

The great Jeremiad-caravan against the BBC’s raison d’être and the licence fee has been to Patagonia. That the Daily Mail managed to locate, but not Google Translate: [Malvinas-related provocation: incidents and the BBC team has left the country] Thanks to S, who suggests that the differences between the Mail and the Guardian are two: the…

Ireland … produces the best diary products in the world

Over at Slugger: “As we lumber from one political crisis to the next and it is doom all round it is nice to concentrate on the things we are good at. Ireland North & South produces the best diary products in the world…” Jonathan Swift’s letters to Esther Johnson aka Stella are here, and they…
A sacred decretall or Hue and Cry from His superlative Holinesse, Sir Symon Synod for the apprehension of reverend young Martin Mar-priest, London, 1645

“Where is limit” and the decline in rote learning

Lenox here and here and here writes: Well, here’s a race you won’t want to miss – it’s the prize-winning ‘Stupidest Titled Activity 2014’ which this year goes to the World Capital of Plastic Farming: ‘1st Trail Where Is Limit El Ejido’. Yes, they are all very excited, especially the chap who had the honour…