A beautiful phrase

The Catalan authorities have for years been paying off potentially troublesome Andalusians by a variety of means, one of which is Barcelona’s Feria de Abril, the proceeds of which have been disappearing into the pockets of the organisers: El expresidente niega todas las acusaciones y se agarra al argumento irrebatible de que “quienes ahora me…

Nifty trompe-l’oeil in Bath

The houses on this street are actually mostly bicameral, with an entrance on each side of the fake. Maybe the cyclops was like that, his one-eye merely a fearsome decoration. HG once said to me, and it still makes me laugh for some reason: In the land of the one-eyed, the king is blind.
Was there ever an un-nifty one?

Dead letters

ABC and Ramón Pérez Maura are taken to task by Peter Harvey Linguist. As usual, he’s absolutely right, but I’d just like to enter a plea in mitigation on one count: “never begin a letter with ‘I'” used to be quite common advice. For example, in Correspondence, credits and traffic: Part I: Business correspondence (1914)…

San Longino, ibero

Una explicación racionalista de la Resurrección y Ascensión de Nuestro Señor.

Foto hecha por no me acuerdo quien, credit vendrá.