The Catalan authorities have for years been paying off potentially troublesome Andalusians by a variety of means, one of which is Barcelona’s Feria de Abril, the proceeds of which have been disappearing into the pockets of the organisers: El expresidente niega todas las acusaciones y se agarra al argumento irrebatible de que “quienes ahora me…
The houses on this street are actually mostly bicameral, with an entrance on each side of the fake. Maybe the cyclops was like that, his one-eye merely a fearsome decoration. HG once said to me, and it still makes me laugh for some reason: In the land of the one-eyed, the king is blind.
I believe that only two bodies criticised here have ever responded: one rapidly fixed the problem and went out of business; Alejandro Villén@Loving Books indicated that he’d continue to sell his pile of poo, and is probably doing very nicely. And I doubt very much that any of the rest gives a monkey’s. It’s time…
ABC and Ramón Pérez Maura are taken to task by Peter Harvey Linguist. As usual, he’s absolutely right, but I’d just like to enter a plea in mitigation on one count: “never begin a letter with ‘I'” used to be quite common advice. For example, in Correspondence, credits and traffic: Part I: Business correspondence (1914)…
Here, < Dick Hudson < again < Language Log. Your stammering linguistic runt of a host thinks they’re all wrong, and recommmends self-inflicted deep-vein trepanning as an alternative preferable to sentence diagramming taught by the hairy-palmed spawn of teacher training colleges. SD’s rather like warfare: a discipline that sometimes occurs to the old as beneficial…