Selling well off the top of the street organ in London

Clarence Day’s This Simian World.

I chanced on this a few years ago in the shape of the free download from Gutenberg and loved it. It reminded me of formative childhood reading on animal behaviour by ancient sages like Konrad Lorenz (I’ve given King Solomon’s Ring to a whole bunch of artists over the years) and, taken rather more loosely, James Thurber. Day and Thurber both worked on Harold Ross’s New Yorker, and there are many resemblances between the drawing and writing of Day and his younger and now more famous colleague.

So I figured I’d have a few printed and see if anyone would buy them, and they did – both newbies and regulars, many of whom already have a couple of kazoos, my only other tangible. 19th century European organ grinders weren’t stupid, augmenting their begging income by selling ballad sheets rather than modern toss like CDs, and d.v. this won’t be the last bit of cellulose I foist on the world.

There’s a sample and more info over at the product page on my now-functional shop.

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