Child’s play

Sunday a.m., parent-organised rugby practice for small boys on a park pitch up the Lea Navigation, large man clutching and shouting at infant: “YOU ARE NOT CONTRIBUTING VALUE TO THE TEAM! GET INTO THE SCRUM!” Sunday p.m., background chitchat on a walk for early secondary private schoolgirls round the gentrified Hackney badlands: “She’s so procrastinating…

Augmented poetry

Theodor Körner, Andreas Hofer’s Tod: The Death of Hofer, the Tyrolese Leader – translation in The Times: I like the plausible military detail.

Cameron’s Pole-tax

When a deal’s not a deal, & a regrettably shy Moses – somehow I doubt the Nige & George show will ping it. Re desert peoples: What to do with the discovery that one can more or less understand the Yiddish of the Stamford Hill Jews? They say such boring things – not a word…

Brenda strikes back

“Don’t waste your time on obscure contemporary composers, John,” she said.

On tour in South Africa in 1968.