
Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Thu Mar 01 07:18 Wild Animals, by Infecticide
- Thu Mar 01 07:19 Comment: Via Weirdest Band
- Thu Mar 01 07:23 Muy buen artículo de Ricard sobre Quini
- Thu Mar 01 09:48 Comment: @RichardDawkins It took a while to get to know Auntie Hel
- Thu Mar 01 17:20 Why would the British Museum need to name the translator of their editions of Iliad & Odyssey when everyone knows Homer's a fluent English speaker from Springfield?
- Thu Mar 01 17:49 Foden's Motorworks & Fred Mortimer playing In A Clock Store, serinette imitation at 01:09
- Thu Mar 01 17:49 Comment: This bird used a different training tool
- Thu Mar 01 21:44 Erdogan has banned 208 songs I am making a list for the UK
- Thu Mar 01 21:48 Comment: A start: Your Song Tiny Dancer Honky Cat Rocket Man (I Think It's Going To Be A Long Long Time) Crocodile Rock Daniel Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting) Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Candle In The Wind Bennie And The Jets Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
- Fri Mar 02 08:29 I'd be perfectly happy if newspaper headlines were article-free and credited to the sub. Boris Johnson as a black woman is obviously Peter Sellers (with Alfred The Grate and his Kings of Collapso, prod. George Martin) in Boiled Bananas and Carrots
- Fri Mar 02 10:08 Comment: @LDNOverground Psst, wanna buy a diesel locomotive?
- Fri Mar 02 12:02 The birthrate at Fratton (Portsmouth) suggests that "getting off at Fratton" may not be particularly effective
- Fri Mar 02 18:34 I've just launched a replacement train service on the London Overground between Stratford and Richmond using a diesel locomotive I nicked a few years ago in the knowledge that the silly buggers would electrify the line without catering for the odd cold snap
- Sat Mar 03 09:23 Swath/swathe: I don't think I know anyone who uses swath with the short a, but OED and probably Guardian seem to think that my long-vowelled swathe marks me out as a northerner/furriner
- Sat Mar 03 09:45 I'm trying to figure whether Black Panther is actually worse than Tarzan. Then there's Conan to consider
- Sat Mar 03 20:20 End of antiques I saw it coming 20 years ago when my Sinti neighbour confessed that his Louis XIV chairs were actually - gasp! - Bulgarian or something. Now can we stop building neo-Georgian?
- Sat Mar 03 20:21 Brandon beat me to it: a dead umbrella is definitely an unbrella
- Sat Mar 03 22:21 Comment: @justinjerez Of course, old wine is totally different ;)
- Sat Mar 03 22:22 Comment: @justinjerez Oh dear, oh dear
- Sun Mar 04 09:16 Nobbled EU copyright law vs the internet, via @Transblawg
- Sun Mar 04 09:37 thread
- Sun Mar 04 12:36 Don't know much about history: school board supervisor's report from ≈ Laura Ingalls' Kansas
- Sun Mar 04 13:21 Anyone seen a sound desk stolen from a Hackney church on Friday?
- Sun Mar 04 18:04 Comment: @ibexsalad Bifocal reasoning
- Sun Mar 04 19:12 Neumatic thrill, but I wonder what a reconstruction inc context would sound like. I've never sung anything this old - apart from "Come on, you reds" - life for me starts in 1200, when everything starts falling into place
- Mon Mar 05 17:53 Comment: @LindelwaXimiya @gortizmichel Yep, it works
- Mon Mar 05 20:37 Doc didn't ask me how much I drink. Felt like I was an adult
- Tue Mar 06 05:48 Why on earth would the Russians bomb Manhattan or London when they use those property markets as money laundries? Detroit maybe
- Tue Mar 06 06:30 Comment: @gortizmichel @LindelwaXimiya Vaya circo de frikis que fuimos...
- Tue Mar 06 06:43 Echit: Ulster Irish for halfassed electronic invoice
- Tue Mar 06 07:57 Hemingway trying to talk
- Tue Mar 06 11:34 It's something of a contradiction to demand work and liberty
- Tue Mar 06 11:55 [Belch] Pox on you: a round by Purcell
- Tue Mar 06 22:33 Very moving to see customers coming into @Yorkshire_BS on Eastcheap in the City to say goodbye to staff before the branch closure next week - obviously very fond of them
- Wed Mar 07 13:40 Not a great recording, but Emanuel Feuermann was an amazing cellist
- Wed Mar 07 17:02 I didn't know smol, small and cute. Antonym is tol, big and obnoxious
- Wed Mar 07 21:08 I simply adore the preference of the Albanian-Kosovar mafia for old-school BMWs and Mercs: makes me feel like I'm in a 90s German crime thriller
- Thu Mar 08 06:26 1833 is notable in world lit for two works about bronze men: Pushkin's ode to Peter the Great, Petersburg and Russia, "The bronze horseman," & Cesare Spadaccini's "New and large pasta works with a bronze man, in order to eliminate the abominable custom of kneading with the feet"
- Thu Mar 08 07:28 Star Wars & Battleship Potemkin
- Thu Mar 08 10:11 Margaret of Antioch is the best St Margaret: swallowed by a dragon but regurgitated when her cross irritated its gut.
- Thu Mar 08 18:11 Carles Puigdemont & Charlemagne
- Thu Mar 08 22:00 Revolutionary notion that equal rights shouldn't only be available to Caucasian women of Christian heritage...
- Fri Mar 09 07:53 Maps saying "you are here" are absolutely terrifying. How do they know?! I have put up cameras in several locations to try to identify the agents who write this message on maps just before I get there.
- Fri Mar 09 08:08 Comment: @Transblawg Send it to them to put them in their place
- Fri Mar 09 17:06 Maria hæfde lȳtel lamb And snāwhwīt wæs his flēs And swā hwær swā Maria træd Træd þæt lamb eġelēs.
- Fri Mar 09 17:06 Comment: Mary had a little lamb With taties and mint sauce Oh dear my little lamb she cried I'm hungry as a horse
- Fri Mar 09 19:41 Here lies I - Jonathan Fry - Killed by a sky - Rocket in my eye - Socket.
- Sat Mar 10 07:18 Comment: @azforeman There's certainly encouragement in the High German Fickhaus & Low German fokhus for brothel + Dutch fokhuis for livestock breeding
- Sat Mar 10 13:17 Comment: @BL_prints @BLMedieval The bagpipes are very big, though not quite Boschian. Are you sure they're not a Donegal man in fancy dress or a wild haggis?
- Sat Mar 10 15:14 Smut Clyde on Punch & Judy A couple of the suggestions are on my wish list
- Sat Mar 10 15:58 "Upright piggy-banks": money-laundering oligarchs & Manhattan property
- Sat Mar 10 21:39 I love Louis Jordan, but I'd love even more to hear Darius Dhlomo cover him again. Any recordings out there?
- Sun Mar 11 09:07 Real value: taking the waste heat from bitcoin mines & growing tomatoes
- Sun Mar 11 11:27 Nietzsche: O you poor devils in the great cities of world politics, you gifted young men tormented by ambition who consider it your duty to pass some comment on everything that happens and there is always something happening!
- Sun Mar 11 12:50 Bath lift porn
- Sun Mar 11 14:37 RT @EffinBirds:
- Sun Mar 11 17:56 "Believe ON the Lord Jesus Christ," which figures, cos it's the Evangelical Reformed Church (Lauriston Rd) - black rather than Elizabethan Protestant. I guess white evangelicals use the same, & I've heard Muslims say they "believe on Allah." Soon to be the standard construction?
- Sun Mar 11 19:51 Comment: @jonno50 I'm no preposition aesthetician, but maybe "on" should simply be abolished
- Sun Mar 11 20:50 5 extraordinary power stations by/with architect/artist Joaquín Vaquero Palacios in Francoist northern Spain I don't know Palacios' politics, but stuff is reminiscent of pre-war non-Nazi Falangism
- Sun Mar 11 20:55 Comment: @jonno50 Appalling decadence. What I want is a good, strong monarchy with a tasteful and decent king who has some knowledge of theology and geometry and to cultivate a Rich Inner Life. Said someone.
- Sun Mar 11 20:55 Comment: @jonno50 Stop, stop!
- Sun Mar 11 21:01 Comment: Presentation of the exhibition at Museo ICO in Madrid
- Sun Mar 11 21:28 If tomorrow at 11:30 on Millbank you see a man in a compression suit with a Russian badge pinned to his left nipple emerge dripping from the Thames, do come and say hello.
- Tue Mar 13 13:30 RT @DaveHill: Dodd: "You can tell a joke in Glasgow and people will laugh at it. But in Birmingham, they won't". Parkinson""Why is that?" D…
- Tue Mar 13 13:33 Alexander Pope on translators: the saddest pack of rogues in the world
- Tue Mar 13 17:16 Recalls the bitty debate about the origins of the addiction to nonsensical rhyming sound on the part of the psychopathic English glove puppet called Punch & his Eurasian cognates
- Wed Mar 14 13:29 Why should GPs use the NHS's e-referral service when there is a splendid fax machine sitting in the corner, even if the recipient turned off their machine a while ago? #Hackney @NHSDigital
- Wed Mar 14 13:52 Comment: @ibexsalad I guess that governments calculate the pros/cons of immigrants learning the local language, & can't imagine the Spanish govt wants Brits getting involved in politics or integrating. How is Lenox?
- Wed Mar 14 22:05 80s, decade of mutants and good trumpeters
- Thu Mar 15 05:15 Chancellor Laud's Oxford Statutes forbid students from watching actors, rope-dancers or gladiator shows, as well as football and hunting with or without ferrets. And the Puritans still beheaded him, the swine.
- Thu Mar 15 05:16 Comment: The Latin
- Thu Mar 15 09:48 Guy on the bus re student loans: I decided to do journalism & since I figured I'd never earn much & never have to pay back much I took the most expensive course I could find & had four golden years.
- Thu Mar 15 18:14 Rol's Top 10 Stephen Hawking songs I like Cake
- Thu Mar 15 19:26 Who can get me an ebook of Fariña?
- Thu Mar 15 19:28 Comment: OK, is entertaining but ffs
- Sat Mar 17 01:04 Superb docs by the Way Bros on Netflix re the murderous Rajneeshee New Age cult in Oregon
- Sat Mar 17 11:53 Johann Gottfried Seume (1763-1810), Salafistophobe: Wo man singt, da lass dich ruhig nieder / böse Menschen haben keine Lieder // Find your peace where songs are gaily ringing! / Evil people never cared for singing
- Sat Mar 17 17:12 Comment: @Transblawg But does it work?
- Sat Mar 17 17:12 And custard tart
- Sun Mar 18 10:40 Comment: @Transblawg The recipe
- Sun Mar 18 13:00 4% of CeC voters would never vote CeC
- Sun Mar 18 19:06 Comment: @ibexsalad None of my business, but they would make a lovely couple
- Mon Mar 19 13:59 Brilliant Microsoft support experience. Never expected to say that, & across two entities / languages
- Mon Mar 19 18:02 London-Harwich in John Ogilby Britannia 1675, crossing the River Lea at Bow
- Mon Mar 19 18:07 Comment: Will Kemp's 1600 Morris dance to Norwich follows same route to Chelmsford, at which point Kemp goes inland via Braintree. Ogilby shows links from harwich to Norwich along the coast, so I guess that route was less waterlogged by 1675. Drainage projects?
- Mon Mar 19 18:08 Comment: Via
- Mon Mar 19 23:41 Comment: Best quote is in episode 4 or 5 re the alleged Rajneesshee plot to poison the water supply with blended beaver
- Mon Mar 19 23:46 But why do medieval marginalia major in monkeys where contemporary childishness concentrates on cats?
- Tue Mar 20 09:04 Apparently the gastronationalists believe that souvlaki is traditional, and traditionally pork-based, rather than a conversion of Turkish lamb shish. Why not take credit for a splendid innovation, & hope the Turks (with perfect environment for acorn-fed pork) will follow suit?
- Tue Mar 20 09:06 Octopus hordes attack freestyle five lines game board
- Tue Mar 20 09:11 Englishman does phonetic transcription of Algerian placenames, Frenchman retains English spelling in French translation, leading to different pronunciation. Fantasy ending: French authorities impose that new pronunciation on the locals
- Tue Mar 20 10:07 Probably even more annoying than a neighbour who plays the violin
- Tue Mar 20 12:26 Oh vocational insulters, think before calling Italians ignoranti come pecorai, ignorant as shepherds: without transhumants bearing libri di pelliccia, pelt books, how would the chivalric romance have been diffused & standard Italian born? #NiceTry
- Wed Mar 21 09:18 I'm still reeling from the nutter who came up and told me that I shouldn't be doing Tom Lehrer songs
- Wed Mar 21 09:25 Comment: A new one for me
- Wed Mar 21 10:04 Frank Baum’s scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz is essentially the N Italian pajazz, straw undermattress -> clown - German Bajass/Bajazzel - Spanish payaso - A scarre-crowe to make them afraide, as wee vse to deale with little children and with birdes by puppets and strawe-men (1594)
- Wed Mar 21 11:29 RT @ScribeEAE: This bird looks ready to teach semiotics
- Wed Mar 21 20:35 Comment: @ifyoutickleus Until now I'd thought of Harold as the absurdist Pinter. Perhaps the library consists entirely of his work.
- Wed Mar 21 21:08 Clown Core in a portaloo Genius. Via @weirdestband
- Thu Mar 22 10:31 Re Jeremy Corbyn's hat: Ilya Glazunov Elderly man with an axe (to grind) (1949). I think Lenin's Russian kartuz < French cartouche, presumably via Prussian military. Bulgarin notes a “little crumpled leather [one], green in colour” in 1829 novel Ivan Ivanovich Vyzhigin
- Thu Mar 22 10:42 Comment: @ibexsalad @elespanolcom Why, oh why did P choose Waterloo? How can Boadella compete with that level of satire?
- Fri Mar 23 08:46 RT @ComfortablySmug: Bezos has a robot speaker in your home listening to you 24/7 but you're worried Zuckerberg will leak your Which Disney…
- Fri Mar 23 08:51 Cool stuff on the genetics of the guys I see up on Stamford Hill. The Yemenis are easy to spot (and hear) but some of the traits in the Eastern European Haredim are harder to figure
- Fri Mar 23 16:14 Spend the day impersonating a large elderly black woman for Nation & Self without achieving any sense of self-identification. How confused is that?
- Fri Mar 23 16:26 ben trovato? who cares
- Sat Mar 24 07:32 Senior NHS nurse, on being apprised of his fackup re elderly gent: "It is the Fate of the Gods! I would not have wanted it this way!" Interesting variation on "Blame Labour/the Tories!"
- Sat Mar 24 08:12 Good to see the Irwin (ed.) compilation Songs in the Key of Z for sale on Bandcamp
- Sat Mar 24 08:39 Children Cry for Castoria - Nicolas Slonimsky
- Sat Mar 24 19:02 Before there was hip hop there was hip harp, featuring Dorothy Ashby
- Sun Mar 25 09:16 Years and sleep are harshly spread - Men get less before they're dead, Yet what's the point in living more If all one does is snooze and snore?
- Sun Mar 25 11:57 UK National Rail Enquiries demonstrates incompetence equal to Spanish passenger rail monopoly Renfe
- Sun Mar 25 12:11 Detention of Puigdemont in Kiel raises new Schleswig-Holstein question: legitimacy of German claim to Holstein following annexation by Austria from Denmark in 1864 and then by Prussia from Austria in 1866 #HolsteinIsNotGermany etc etc
- Sun Mar 25 12:16 RT @MichaelRosenYes: Cambridge Analytica got rid of all their kitica You won’t find a tiny bitica of incriminating shitica
- Sun Mar 25 13:41 Hackney roads are better for walking than pavements - no dog$hit, utility cos have higher standards of repair - so trying to figure why all the local dealers & their customers cycle on the latter
- Sun Mar 25 18:39 Polish would look a whole lot less scary if they only wrote down the consonants they sing. Compare vid/lyrics for ostatnia niedziela
- Sun Mar 25 18:40 Comment: I can't believe if they were starting again they'd use the same orthography
- Sun Mar 25 20:36 Puigdemont: Latin millenialist goes to Waterloo, defeated by the Prussians
- Mon Mar 26 14:07 Potcast: Dutch neologism for info leaflet hung up in company toilets
- Mon Mar 26 18:19 Captain Noodle says: Why did Jesus give back the donkey he'd borrowed on Ash Wednesday? It was Lent.
- Mon Mar 26 18:20 Comment: Why couldn't the hot dog stop gambling? It was on a roll.
- Mon Mar 26 18:22 Comment: @ofgem Большое спасибо!
- Mon Mar 26 22:34 Genius: Germany will return Puigdemont in exchange for three hundred more Spanish scientists via @elmundotoday
- Tue Mar 27 09:39 Would be great to see wet winter aerials of Walthamstow Marsh: on foot you note drainage between the Lammas strips charted by John Coe in 1822, here overlaid on late spring image. Noted in the 1979 survey , but @Walthamsteve @WeLoveE17Marsh anyway
- Tue Mar 27 10:03 Comment: @Transblawg @Walthamsteve @WeLoveE17Marsh Are you smuggling them? Will repeel my eyes. Lots of things hanging off reeds warbling.
- Tue Mar 27 12:33 Comment: @jonno50 I've seen names with apostrophes and other diacritics, but never one including a comma, except where titles are being listed
- Tue Mar 27 13:25 Comment: @jonno50 For my grave: <Trevor, once upon a time>
- Tue Mar 27 22:26 I'm in love with an insect woman
- Tue Mar 27 22:27 RT @jamesmjharrison: France, who are designing and supplying our new Blue British Passports have released the final draft...
- Wed Mar 28 11:17 Plastic bottles & cobras
- Wed Mar 28 11:45 Hmm, wine from Rectum, Overijssel, NL
- Wed Mar 28 13:19 Neapolitan English from the great Pulcinella Antonio Petito's 1867 parody of Francesca da Rimini, starts 01:51
- Wed Mar 28 20:01 Comment: @Transblawg @GermaniaFM There's one too in the new development of Arschlochhampton, because what young people really want is to borrow 20 * salary to get the keys to a rabbit hutch whose name will remind them forever that the council and the developer pretended that some progressive aim was being served
- Wed Mar 28 20:06 Comment: @Transblawg Everyone laces their sick cocktail with vinegar nowadays
- Wed Mar 28 20:32 Comment: @Transblawg Sorry, ran out of cider. Briefly.
- Wed Mar 28 21:28 Victor Borge's Tchaikovsky parody starts like the Bernie Green barrel organ concerto I do, but it ends rather better
- Wed Mar 28 21:29 Comment:
- Thu Mar 29 07:22 "the less statistically likely a collection of letters is to form a real word in English, the funnier it strikes us" - so obviously untrue
- Thu Mar 29 07:39 Rol's has revealed his Top 10 Price Tag Songs The most barrel organ is definitely Half Man Half Biscuit's "£24.99 from Argos"
- Thu Mar 29 07:53 Hackney Council takes over Chatsworth Road market with promise to improve it with social media and promotion - would have been good if they had had some of this ready in advance to prevent a vacuum
- Thu Mar 29 07:53 Comment: Also
- Thu Mar 29 09:23 Comment: @Transblawg GCSE Stats caused more problems than it solved
- Thu Mar 29 13:00 5.77% of Spaniards living in the UK miss home cooking, sez self-selecting but quite large (n = 2100) poll
- Fri Mar 30 12:29 John Gray on "hyper-liberalism" - pleasure to have someone intelligent & literate run thru my nightmares I didn't know Yuri Slezkine House of Government
- Fri Mar 30 12:32 Comment: Dostoevsky Idiot: Many of our young women have thought fit to cut their hair short, put on blue spectacles, and call themselves Nihilists. By doing this they have been able to persuade themselves, without further trouble, that they have acquired new convictions of their own.
- Fri Mar 30 12:32 Comment: Some men have but felt some little qualm of kindness towards their fellow-men, and the fact has been quite enough to persuade them that they stand alone in the van of enlightenment and that no one has such humanitarian feelings as they.
- Fri Mar 30 12:32 Comment: Others have but to read an idea of somebody else's, and they can immediately assimilate it and believe that it was a child of their own brain. The "impudence of ignorance," if I may use the expression, is developed to a wonderful extent in such cases
- Fri Mar 30 12:53 Comment: (Re mad Russian authors: RT ≠ endorsement)
- Fri Mar 30 14:28 360º Armenian monasteries
- Fri Mar 30 14:30 Comment: A mate went to see some and ended up putting on the Khachatur Avetisyan oratorio in memory of the victims of the 1915 genocide
- Fri Mar 30 15:35 New blog post: I am the Crippled Demon, the fleas of hell, the inventor of puppets. A half-translation of a list of minor torments by Luis Vélez de Guevara for a day on which the Christian Devil triumphed.
- Sat Mar 31 08:22 Genetics & "race" - good, simple, gentle piece from David Reich - tho still no explanation for monkey's spectacular achievements in pseudo-Shakespearean poetics
- Sat Mar 31 09:25 A Spanish council would have smuggled in a car park under the abbey churchyard
- Sat Mar 31 19:09 I don't sense that the author of the best pop archaeology book I've read suffers from an ego problem
- Sat Mar 31 19:35 Lope de Vega & the Italian clown Ganassa attend the wedding of Felipe III in Valencia in 1598 dressed respectively as Carnal & Lent, covered with meat and fish
- Sat Mar 31 19:38 Comment: LdV's mask is of Stefanello Bottarga, a clown in the company of Ganassa aka Naselli
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