Insuring Amsterdam

Stiltsville in various Germans. With a filthy joke, and several less filthy ones.

El santo mocaro

Snot-nosed pseudo-saints in a Lingua Franca song by Juan del Encina.

Vrou Hexe van Mallegem: St. Snotnose practises alternative medicine, top end of table at ca. a horizontal golden section.

“I’am Barcelonian” feels all wrong, but which demonym do we deserve?

Barcelona Council features over at Harvey’s Barna cream. “Barcelonian” has a long and respectable tradition, though, like Peter, I wouldn’t use it. I think in my case this is because I associate it with troglodytes who think “vibrant” is still a vote-winner, and with Wikipedians, who may well work for the Ajuntament. But what implicit…

Convergent etymology: paella / pilau

The other day in the London City out of scientific interest I ate from a hipster stall a portion of /pʌɪˈɛlə/. It wasn’t paella – it looked and tasted like sewage sludge, black, oily, foul – but I couldn’t work out (and didn’t dare ask) what method had led to this madness. A couple of…

San Longino, ibero

Una explicación racionalista de la Resurrección y Ascensión de Nuestro Señor.

Foto hecha por no me acuerdo quien, credit vendrá.

Flamenco: (manifestación cultural de la) escoria de un país bajo?

Lectura estival, Baroja La Feria de los Discretos, en el cual Quintín Roelas se encuentra secuestrado por error por una banda de gitanos en la Córdoba de 1868: – Yo le diré a usted quién soy, y si después de saberlo no le parece mal, seremos amigos. – Y antes también. – No, antes no.…