Question about diachronicity, dreams and nationalist historians

OK, in this dream I’m talking to a pigeon farmer about how folks are more prepared to condone pinioning some species than others, and then a flock starts smothering my face and I wake up with a bit of sheet over my head. So brain 1) meets object in the here-and-now, 2) makes false interpretation,…

Call me Trebots

A rather nice example of apocopation and suffixation in Catalan Spanish.

Trebonanius Gallus: completely unrelated. (Photo of the emperor at the Met <a href=''>CC</a> by Pharos.)

Cooking with pigeons in Spain

Yesterday in town it was remarked on the benefits to allkind that would accrue from exchanging our customary diet of Big Macs for one of roadkill and Fucking pigeon (what’s the Latin?). Celtiberians consulted state that their race does not partake of the pigeon, and Juan Bautista Carrasco’s Mitología universal (1864) suggests that this may…

Pooch-pigeon porn preview

I was having a chat about stuff with Pete Doherty this morning, and he tells me that because of the common genetic ancestry of most of the races of the Milky Way galaxy, many species are able to interbreed with or without the help of genetic technology. In fact dogs and doves are quite similar,…


I am building a bird table so I can catch tasty little birds with a net and fry them in bechamel for breakfast. Its leg consists sturdy spring, which will cause pigeons, goats and other creatures undesirable for this purpose to fall off before they get to the bait.

Loft of gipsy homing pigeons painted in the colours of Spain and Andalusia

Snapped by SG on a lovely clear day last week on a variation of this Barcelona city walk. The birds belong to three tired-looking gents who one would have said were hippophiles pertaining to the kingdom of Dionysus, so we didn’t enquire as to the whys and wherefores. Birds are often painted for ceremonial or…