Irene Rigau and visualizar

Send her to prison by all means, but make Aleix Vidal-Quadras, Luís Soravilla and other ignorant pedants visit her in penance.

I think Aleix Vidal-Quadras is saying (via) that Irene Rigau said, “Ministro, me tengo que marchar porque he de visualizar mi oposición a la ley”, and that you can’t use visualizar in that fashion – Luís Soravilla says the latter.

Rigau certainly belongs in prison for her refusal to carry out court orders illegalising Catalan immersion – contumacy is such a lovely word! – but her use of visualizar for “hacer visible” or “retratar” or “mostrar” in a general sense strikes my mental corpus as normal contemporary Spanish, whatever the equally incarcerable Royal Academy thinks. A couple of apposite examples:

  1. El País, 24/04/2004: “En Colombia, desde la década de los cincuenta, una parte importante de la producción literaria intenta mil argumentos, personajes, tramas y géneros, todo ello con el afán de visualizar su tragedia política, su enquistada violencia cotidiana.”
  2. Público, 27/06/2011: “Tres presidentas ayudan al PP a visualizar su idea de igualdad. El partido exhibe a sus jefas de gobierno autonómicas como prueba de que el sistema de cuotas no es necesario para el acceso de la mujer a la política.”
  3. Deia, 18/10/2012: Eusko Alkartasuna contraprogramará este mediodía un acto de apoyo de sus cargos públicos, presentes y pasados, al proyecto de EH Bildu. A solo tres días de las elecciones autonómicas, la formación que lidera Pello Urizar se ha apresurado a visualizar su respaldo a la candidatura de Laura Mintegi a lehendakari.

I wonder if this isn’t a conservative, xenophobic register thing – that they think of visualizar as yet another anglocabrón invasion, imported by those notoriously miscegenating Latin Americans or unsoldby Leninists – but I have no evidence.

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  1. Well I hope they never use the word ‘Líder’ or any of its friends. I’ve never bought the argument that this word, with its faulty verb (leading, as it were, from the noun rather than t’other way about), came into Spanish from the Latin for ‘lawyer’. It’s so obviously an anglobastardisation. Lock ’em all up, except for Rigau.

    (Oh and yer captcha just gave me Greek alphabet words to copy. That’s too difficult.)

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