
More from Terry’s Big Adventure:

It started to rain pretty heavily and I waited until I was drenched before I bought an umbrella. I then set out for the Picasso museum. I waited in line with all the other tourists for twenty minutes. The museum had about forty large rooms with works of the artist, many that were donated by Picasso himself. Now here’s a guy that had an immense talent. His early works were in the classical style. (They looked like what they were.) However he didn’t receive any special recognition and was probably languishing in poverty. Then along came some snooty intellectuals and impressionism and he probably thought, “What am I doing working my butt off producing good art when I could be painting junk?” From then on, of course, he became rich and famous for painting women with arms sticking out of their heads. Instead of producing a painting every two weeks, he could now produce a painting in an hour and have the rest of the day to party, which of course is what he usually did. Non-the-less he was prolific as there are several Picasso museums in Europe.

Now go and read the rest – it’s good stuff. (I showed Terry’s Keywheel Music Theory System™ to a fortune-teller I know, and she understood it straight away.)

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