
Kaleboel is one (1) today, which means you’re going to start seeing signs of maturity on-this-day items from 2003 in the right hand column of individual posts. I started it for three reasons:

  1. To learn Catalan. At the beginning posts took me ages, but I can now read and write with reasonable facility, although I’m not sure why Quaderns thinks there’s a Catalan manning the pumps. I don’t really talk it very much – parlem castellà a l’intimitat, and I’ve never managed to sort myself out with a regular, sane intercambio. I basically stopped blogging in Catalan because I get more hits from here when I post exactly the same material in English. I hope that I am not furnishing raw material for English classes.
  2. To learn about Catalonia. Doing the walks means doing the research beforehand, and having to write a small piece of gibberish every day is a good stimulus.
  3. To push traffic through to the walks. That hasn’t quite worked as I anticipated. When I started my readership consisted of me, the cat, and me again after lunch. I currently get some 1300 to 1700 daily visits, but it seems that you come to mock my syntax, deride my research, and misunderstand my jokes rather than as potential walkers. Never mind.

I know it’s traditional to leave birthday greetings in the comments section, but really, I do prefer donations.

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