Evan more Abramovich yacht pictures

In an update, even more Pelorus boato-photos here. This is getting ridiculous, because there’s a rumour going round that the guy may be going to use Le Grand Bleu (354′) as a frigging supply vessel for the Pelorus (377′). The latter is apparently now heading back to Monte Carlo, which will cheer up Shirley Bassey no end:

Shirley Bassey says her view of Monte Carlo’s famous harbour has been ruined by Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich’s new yacht.

The singer paid an undisclosed sum for a clifftop home overlooking the harbour, but now she says the yacht is blocking her view.


The Daily Express quotes Dame Shirley, 67, saying: “What a ridiculous yacht. It’s big and ugly and new-fangled. It completely spoils my view.”

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Last updated 14/02/2019

This post pre-dates my organ-grinding days, and may be imported from elsewhere.

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