It’s those bl00dy Anglophones again!

“Some parliamentarians have also argued that the use of English can be confusing and that it may not be immediately clear whether Swissmint manufactures coins or sweets.”

For all its multilingualness (a bruxellisme?), Switzerland has always been remarkably paranoid about the introduction of other languages and cultures. Now

Some parliamentarians have also argued that the use of English can be confusing and that it may not be immediately clear whether Swissmint manufactures coins or sweets.

Forsake confusion, ye native English-speakers, and welcome a more precise tongue into your external cavities!

There’s another interesting piece here; I assume that the same will happen as in other places plagued by battles for linguistic supremacy (think Brussels, Barcelona), and that various state bodies will continue to spend vast amounts of tax revenues promoting various language agendas while everyone else gets on and learns English.

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