Diary dates

Cornellà gig, Penedès walk

  1. Friday December 17th 23.00, when the choir I direct, Polifònica Industrial (as seen on TV3), will be singing at lafragua, c/Vistalegre 40, 08940 Cornellà Tel: 639 75 91 70. There’s a map here (hit the minus icon to see metro/train links to Barcelona) and travel info here.
    We’ll be doing some new repertoire, including an erotic fruit mambo and a Catalan version of the 40s classic, Stalin wasn’t stallin’, sung by a local reggae star. Also a number of bizarre monologues, including a new one of mine, Immigrants (no dress, sorry). I think it’s about 5EUR to get in, 10EUR to get out, and there is, of course, a bar.
  2. Sunday December 19th, when we’ll be walking through a chunk of the Penedès, ending up in Vilafranca, where men will be fooling around with chickens. This is also unsuitable for teetotallers.

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