Coffin Joe vs Vicky Christina Barcelona

Tommy Hilfiger Barcelona With a Lesbian Scene Featuring Penelope and Scarlett, as I think someone called it, got $3 million cash and substantial help in kind from local and regional government on the grounds that it would encourage people to study Catalan identity and then work in museums. Encarnação do Demônio credits unspecified assistance from the Sao Paolo authorities for a film that portrays the city a filthy chaotic slum ostensibly run by psychotic police and priests where a satanic serial rapist, torturer and killer is in fact free to set about establishing a superior bloodline. That’s some promotion, so I guess this year’s Take the Money Then the Piss prize has to go to José Mojica Marins. My commiserations to both sets of voters. Also seen last night: Mirageman, which could do wonders for Santiago de Chile:

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