The Singing Organ-Grinder’s tweets for September
A rubbish heap in which a Ukrainian nuclear fireman finds romance with Willie Nelson.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
A rubbish heap in which a Ukrainian nuclear fireman finds romance with Willie Nelson.
Re the songs, L’âme des poètes and Douce France.
La Vanguardia appears interested in Spanish local airports as a means of diverting large sums of public money to private pockets to no obvious public benefit–except when the airport happens to be a Catalan one.
Includes several therapeutic tongue-twisters.
But perhaps Mandy should read Matthew before taking it as a compliment.
How two bands of bloodthirsty Fenians turned into peaceable middle-aged Englishmen with no known political opinions who smile a lot, are fond of sport and their children, and would probably enjoy a drink with you
Georges Frêche in Languedoc-Roussillon: If possible with Paris, if necessary without Paris, but never against Paris.
Peter Mandelson on how fortunate we are that the European Commission is unelected, remote, unaccountable, and a major bureaucracy.
But what was Rosa Díez actually trying to say before she so expertly inserted foot into mouth?