There is a long history of the cross-fertilisation of marine and ecclesiastical architecture, from Jesus’ boat-church on the Sea of Galilee (Mark 4:1: “And he began again to teach by the sea side: and there was gathered unto him a great multitude, so that he entered into a ship, and sat in the sea; and…
Someone told me about this sign on the perimeter fence of the cargo area at Gerona Airport, which is accessible via the small service road leading to the eminently avoidable restaurant El Mirador. So the plan was: exit terminal, get photo, stroll to Riudellots taking forest path to avoid road-side predators, beer & bite in…
The Spanish government is determined to retain the 500€ note as a crucial weapon in the fight to reduce tax evasion and money laundering. Getting rid of socks would achieve that same goal effectively without inconvenience to honest citizens and would also provide a stealth-protectionist boost to the economy.
No 31 in this New York Times collection of strange street signs. My impression is that the Chinese are ahead, but it seems hard to criticise them for this: huge efforts have been made over the past decade to make a previously sternly monolingual country more accessible to foreigners; the effort is laudable and the…
The Entertainer Online reports on the Association of Merchants and Entrepreneurs Mojácar’s interest in exploiting to the full the arrival of technology that sounds like it will have even the bullet-trained Japanese writhing with envy. In deference to their example, and bearing in mind local cultural interests I suppose you could rechristen the AVE “Bullevator”.