La mayoría

–¡Qué gracioso que la mayoría de los guiris decís “avellanas” en vez de “havaianas“! –¿Eh? No me suena, y ¿qué quieres decir con “la mayoría”, { 50% + 1 } o { casi todos } ? –Bueno, la hermana de X lo dice… Al DRAE le falta el primer matiz, el segundo quizá puede esperar.

A victim responds!

Lynce say, “We’re working on it,” which is what any intelligent organisation does in such circumstances, and I’m sure they’ll get it right – the product looks good, and there are a lot of demonstrators and worried governments around at the moment. So what about the rest? Major contributors like the Ajuntament de Barcelona and…

Hacked again

Same thing happened here last Tuesday and was repeated yesterday, details here.

Sepia to the iron with ali smelt

Via Carlos Ferrero Martín and @ucedaman, another great menu, featuring ears to the iron, sepia to the iron with ali smelt, almejas to the sailor, tape of lomo… “Ali smelt” is original and perhaps a calculated insult to one or all Shias, but “a la” as “to the” has tested the imagination, though not always…

Lying about demonstrator numbers, or “We’ve been in Puerta del Sol, Madrid 20 of may 2011 to measure people attendance of 15-M Mouvement events”

This is, which may still lack the language skills to sell its services into non-Spanish-speaking markets, but provides an excellent stats service to help us assess the claims of various domestic political factions to embody the nation’s will in some respect. Lynce says that forensic counting techniques show what everyone already privately acknowledges –…

El Cas dels Catalans and the House of the British Parliament

Early Day Motions are the British House of Commons’s ineffectual version of Facebook “likes”: they have no significance in the broader flow of politics, and for every signatory who believes earnestly that doing so will induce admiration in an informationally subnormal constituent, there is almost certainly another who a week later will have absolutely no…