Following discussions with Tom, and in solidarity with a certain Liverpudlian pub-crawl entrepreneur, currently in hiding, here’s version 1. Like I say, I’ll do a proper results page somewhen. Any abuse will be dealt with by my learned friends Hieronymus Bosch & Epigones.
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Well, well, well… you seem suspiciously quiet now that the Madrid economy is literally falling apart. How is it even possible given that they don’t have Catalan-language immersion in Madrid? I am at a loss… please, give us some insights!, and not enough parents signed up, even before Mad found out they couldn’t have afforded it anyway without cutting subsidies for Aguirre’s imperial theatre, arena sports etc.
Not to mention Gallardón, who strikes me as the biggest fuckwit waster around.
And yourself?
I’d submit my findings, but.. how do you evaluate hangoverability? Por el amor de don’t drink the whole bottle, do you?
Are you mad? I drink a glass, persuade the girlfriend to drink two, and use the rest as toilet cleaner. I guess I’m thinking drinkability = durante & hangoverability = general sensation después. Tell me if you think the criteria should be different. I could also easily do a Spanish interface. Hmm.