Introducing the (Barcelona) budget booze base

We've never had it so good: the plain people of Spain out last night celebrating the rescue package AND the launch of the budget booze base. (Via JCS)

We've never had it so good: the plain people of Spain out last night celebrating the rescue package AND the launch of the budget booze base. (Via JCS)

Following discussions with Tom, and in solidarity with a certain Liverpudlian pub-crawl entrepreneur, currently in hiding, here’s version 1. Like I say, I’ll do a proper results page somewhen. Any abuse will be dealt with by my learned friends Hieronymus Bosch & Epigones.

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  1. Well, well, well… you seem suspiciously quiet now that the Madrid economy is literally falling apart. How is it even possible given that they don’t have Catalan-language immersion in Madrid? I am at a loss… please, give us some insights!

  2. I’d submit my findings, but.. how do you evaluate hangoverability? Por el amor de don’t drink the whole bottle, do you?

  3. Are you mad? I drink a glass, persuade the girlfriend to drink two, and use the rest as toilet cleaner. I guess I’m thinking drinkability = durante & hangoverability = general sensation después. Tell me if you think the criteria should be different. I could also easily do a Spanish interface. Hmm.

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