Is Javier Cercas a necromancer?

How else to explain his repeated use of the motif “políticamente * y personalmente roto” in Anatomía de un instante?

Whence Cercas’ phenomenally irritating penchant for repetition in Anatomía de un instante, his history manquée (hence, surely, the label “novel” in the marketing) of the 1981 coup attempt? Too young to have fallen prey to the viscous clutch of senile dementia, and insufficiently stupid to believe that cliché-infested, rambling prose a poetic epic doth make, I wonder whether the answer doesn’t lie in numerology.

The postmodifying motif “políticamente * y personalmente roto” appears on seven occasions in the book, in application to both Suárez and Gutiérrez Mellado. On the first six {* = “acabado”}, while on the seventh it mutates most curiously to {* = “hundido”} that (deep breath) is surely inexplicable except with reference to the Black Arts. Any other feasible fetishisms out there?

One of the most distressing limitations on intellectual activity in Spain is the considerable sectarian expectation that if one finds oneself in concurrence with certain axiomatic aspects of the political beliefs of artists one will also enthusiastically purchase and evangelise their work.

I happen to agree with Cercas in general terms about the (necessity of the) role played by Suárez and Gutiérrez Mellado, but as a writer he is impossible to admire.

The same applies to Albert Boadella, adopted by certain classes as emblem of a campaign against the Catalan kleptocracy: my views on the post-transition political settlement generally echo his, but his political satire is crude and therefore for me at least weak, and his autobio, Adiós Cataluña, which I read the other night, has its amusing moments, but is to a great extent sentimental twaddle.

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Last updated 21/03/2013

23-F (2):

Adolfo Suárez (1): Adolfo Suárez González, 1st Duke of Suárez, GE, KOGF, OCIII was a Spanish lawyer and politician.

Albert Boadella (3): Albert Boadella Oncins is a Spanish actor, director and playwright and one of the founders of the well-known theatre company Els Joglars. In his youth he participated in left wing and Catalanist politics against the Francoist State.

Javier Cercas (1): Javier Cercas Mena is a writer and professor of Spanish literature at the University of Girona, Spain. He was born in Ibahernando, Cáceres, Spain.

Kaleboel (4307):

Manuel Gutiérrez Mellado (1): Manuel Gutiérrez Mellado, 1st Marquess of Gutiérrez-Mellado was a Spanish Army officer, Honorary Captain General, First Vice-President of the Government for Defense Affairs, 1st Minister of Defense in Spain.

Numerology (1):


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