If the PP isn’t monstrously corrupt, why isn’t Bárcenas wearing cement shoes?

You’re not telling me the mafia’s stupid or forgiving, surely?

Manuel Jabois ($):

Empieza a detectarse en España un empecinamiento absurdo por conocer el método de financiación del Partido Popular. Es como si con el testimonio de un delincuente salido del lumpen ya hubiera que hacer caer al Gobierno. Hoy Bárcenas, mañana Makinavaja. Habría que ver esos papeles qué relevancia tienen. Todos nos hemos encargado alguna vez de las cuentas del PP veinte años seguidos y pudimos habérnoslos inventado. Cualquiera pudo haber levantado una ficción con pagos de constructores y fingir entregar parte del dinero a los dirigentes. No puede creerse antes la palabra de un ladrón que la de una persona honorable, por mucho que haya firmado un recibí o haya dicho que recibió el dinero.

I am struggling to imagine construction companies etc handing over millions – the only logical explanation for Bárcenas’ bulging accounts – without implementing any system of posterior checks to ensure that at least part of them ended up in the accounts of those directly responsible for assigning them contracts.

Among other mental difficulties this morning: Is Fèlix Millet (English Wikipedia page, anyone?) the Catalan Bárcenas? If he is not, then can someone explain what is so different about his case? If he is, then how come he is still eating in nice restaurants while poor old Luis is handing out clothing in the prison at Soto del Real?

Not among my torments this morning: an acquaintance, protagoniste oublié of this, is apparently wearying of his startling resemblance in mould and manner to LB, but, short of plastic surgery and lessons in humility, what can be done?

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Last updated 17/07/2013

Cement shoes (1): Cement shoes or Chicago overcoat is a largely fictional method of execution and/or body disposal, usually associated with criminals such as the Mafia or gangs.

Convergence and Union (15): Convergence and Union was a Catalan nationalist electoral alliance in Catalonia, Spain.

Kaleboel (4307):

Luis Bárcenas (1): José Luis Bárcenas Gutiérrez served as party treasurer of Spain's Partido Popular and a senator. since 2009 he has been embroiled in political corruption scandals.

People's Party (Spain) (28): The People's Party; known mostly by its acronym, PP [peˈpe]) is a conservative, liberal-conservative and Christian-democratic political party in Spain.

Soto del Real (1): Soto del Real, whose former name was Chozas de la Sierra, is a town and municipality in the northern area of the autonomous Community of Madrid which had 8,294 inhabitants in 2009. 43 kilometers away from Madrid, the capital city, it is located between the towns of Manzanares el Real and Miraflores de la Sierra, and close to the Santillana reservoir.


  1. Millet is the Catalan Bárcenas, sense dubte. But he hasn’t been considered a flight risk probably partly because he is less afraid of waking up dead.

    What you’re hinting at – some sort of corroborative something – is what’s needed. And I agree that it must exist. That doesn’t mean we’ll see it, of course.

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