Rubalcaba and the German electoral system

Josu discusses what the PSOE candidate might have meant and the possible consequences. Key para: De hecho, sii trasladáramos a España el sistema alemán “entero”, con reparto nacional, umbral del 5%, y con sus excepciones, resultaría que suponiendo unos resultados como los de 2008 (supuesto imaginario, porque la gente vota distinto con reglas distintas) ni…

Mens insana in vico insano?

In one of a number of Neapolitan-style toxic waste mafia scandals currently breaking in Spain (today it was also announced that of the 141 councils in Alicante province, 23 are under investigation for waste and planning offences), it has been alleged that Cerdanyola hosts an illegal and potentially explosive dump containing at least 650,000 tonnes…

Cataloonia, Sweden on the Med

Jordi Pujol’s venerable dream appears finally to have been realised, although perhaps not quite as he anticipated.