8/1 on Ukip in Oldham three weeks ago seemed like spectacularly good use of a tenner, and Ladbrokes are now down to 5/2, which the Speccie thinks is still high. But disaster: nice Mr McMahon has told nice Mr Corbyn to fuck off back to his cave and it’ll probably take a Danczuk defection next…
Jordi Pujol Ferrusola has apparently been paying Liberty Seguros an average of €45 per annum per car to insure a Mercedes Benz 230 SL Pagoda, a Porsche 911 S 2.7 turbo coupé, a Lotus Elan and a Ferrari F40. Crónica Global: Un informe de la UDEF revela que a Jordi Pujol Ferrusola las pólizas de…
The new consensus is not to waste billions on bombing campaigns against petty criminals with a convenient and bloody millennial ideology, smartphones and social media, but that the whole movement can be utterly demoralised by the Daily Mail publishing pictures of suicide bombers in the bath, that for Paul Dacre this is the new Stephen…
Explanation: These lovely folks, who unfortunately make some boring old men’s heads and bowels explode with fear and vergüenza ajena/sympathetic shame, have as one of their emotistraps the alleged Beethovenism re Bach, “Not a brook but an ocean.” The sea is so boring. Imagine the success Charles Trenet might have had with the following if…
Check the photo of French fans from England-France at Wembley tonight. The match was all about soft power, of which I can’t find a history. I mean, it’s not like it started with Joe Nye in 1990. Any suggestions? (You know I’m thinking about the good generally done to the international image of the Savoy/Italy…
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