Orange mobile contract blurb clones

I want to do something quite simple: change from Vodafone to Movistar or Amena-Orange so I get reception in the Pyrenees, while keeping the same phone (a stream-personalised Nokia 3310), number and pre-pay accountability. When I say this shop assistants laugh uneasily and reach under the counter for the bat, and online things are no better. Orange provides fascinating little blurbs to help you choose a contract (I don’t want a contract, but I can’t find that page). “contrato libre 18” is, for example,

La tarifa que te permitirá hablar libremente sin preocuparte de la hora ni del destino al que llamas y sin cuota mensual.

“contrato libre 30” is quite different, being

La tarifa que te permitirá hablar libremente sin preocuparte de la hora ni del destino al que llamas y sin cuota mensual.

“contrato libre” has achieved a certain measure of renown as

La tarifa que te permitirá hablar libremente sin preocuparte de la hora ni del destino al que llamas y sin cuota mensual.

While “contrato libre 50” has become notorious as

La tarifa que te permitirá hablar libremente sin preocuparte de la hora ni del destino al que llamas y sin cuota mensual.

Plan A is to stuff the Nokia up a pigeon‘s arse–hence the A–and muddle on by.

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