Get another of Paul de Kock’s

Ulysses: “I suppose the people gave him that nickname going about with his tube from one woman to another.” Junius Henri Browne wrote in 1873 that he “gained a much worse reputation [in the US] for licentious stories than he deserved, from the spurious and prurient rubbish that used to be put off on the…

Manuel Girona / Jorge Girona

I’m curious as to the relationship–if any–between Manuel Girona i Agrafel, who has a street on one side of Avinguda de Pedralbes, and “Jordi Girona”, whose street on the other side of Av de P takes up more or less where Manuel Girona leaves off. Also as to how Jorge Girona Salgado, or, as the…

Every pig has its Martinmas

When Europa played over at Sant Andreu in November, the local Four Bar Squad, which has record, unveiled a banner showing another local saint, St Martin, in wolf costume slaughtering a pig dressed as one of Europa’s following (they believe they’re tigers, not pigs, but whatever): Sant Andreu duly murdered Europa 3-0. The return is…

Pooch-pigeon porn preview

I was having a chat about stuff with Pete Doherty this morning, and he tells me that because of the common genetic ancestry of most of the races of the Milky Way galaxy, many species are able to interbreed with or without the help of genetic technology. In fact dogs and doves are quite similar,…

Barcelona monument mistranslates Celan, misrepresents the Holocaust

The monument is a quality marble tomb round about where the sea gate was, on which Habsburg general Josep Moragues’ head hung in a cage for 12 years from 1715-1727, his body having previously been quartered on the Ramblas. This for surrendering on a Bourbon pardon at the end of the War of the Spanish…

Terror of Ávila

Apparently my disco-dancing lies somewhere between that of Zakyfreshkiller of Casablanca (?): … and that of Manny of Grimethorpe: I’d tended to think of myself as Maikelyakson, but you certainly can’t win them all.

Why Eduardo Chillida and Barcelona council should be exchanging lawsuits

Brief for Barcelona council Eduardo Chillida sold us a “sculpture” called In praise of water/Elogi de l’aigua/Elogio del agua. In fact it is clearly nothing of the kind. It is a poorly-built orange-peel hydraulic grab, of the type used in quarrying. That explains why he had it put in the old quarry at Creueta del…


L’Independent, a government-financed, ovine local rag, which has turned off its WP feeds and whose Feedburner URL is Sigh…

Jaroslav Hašek in Barcelona, almost

Just before he died, says Cecil Parrott in The bad Bohemian, the author of The good soldier Å vejk (that’s Shvake: “No one pronounces it Shvike–not even in Germany”) drafted a letter to the district police: I, the undersigned, ask respectfully to be kindly given the necessary passport for a stay in Spain (Barcelona, Calle Rosellos…

Notes on Franfurk

German sausages commonly arouse Spanish bar owners to orthographical orgasm, but this is perhaps the most beautiful, and at first sight most puzzling spelling of Frankfurt in the peninsula: No time to inquire her ancestry of the lady at this magnificent tapas bar in the Creueta del Coll park, Barcelona, but one suspects the Dread…