Potential accordion purchase

This is an option now the Casio kiddieboard is dead and there’s not enough time for the barrel organ.

A lack of time means the barrel organ is on hold, but I still need something portable to play now I’m too old to carry the grand piano around on my back. The great little 70s 29-note Casio keyboard I used to tinkle (accidentally) had a cocktail dropped into it so I may offer 20€ for this Galanti on Saturday. 29 notes are 12 less than a standard piano accordion, but better a musical handicap than the physical handicap real accordionists tend to develop from carrying the bloody thing around. And anyway, the only thing worse than my right hand is my left hand. If I’m not outbid by a Romanian gypsy, I guess I’ll either end up looking like this or this. It would be nice but unrealistic to think I’d be fluent by the time I do the Barcelona-Lisbon leg of this at Easter.

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  1. I think you should go for it. I am not very musical and not getting on well with this ukulele. Have yet to get to the really amusing strums.

  2. Including costs it went for around €100, which is way higher than prices on eBay. And it had dodgy keys, so you couldn’t even play it out of the box. Refits can run to 3-400€ so it’s not something you buy for a moment’s fun.

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