Tourist apartment in San Sebastián “situated at a pederastian square”

In front of a child playground,” no less. Bit chillier than Vietnam/Cuba/…, but conceivably preferable to Westminster. (H/t C)

Update: I’m told that the agent pronounces it “pederastian”.

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Last updated 02/05/2018
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Barcelona (1399):

English language (462):

Föcked Translation (414): I posted to a light-hearted blog called Fucked Translation over on Blogger from 2007 to 2016, when I was often in Barcelona. Its original subtitle was "What happens when Spanish institutions and businesses give translation contracts to relatives or to some guy in a bar who once went to London and only charges 0.05€/word." I never actually did much Spanish-English translation (most of my work is from Dutch, French and German) but I was intrigued and amused by the hubristic Spanish belief, then common, that nepotism and quality went hand in hand, and by the nemeses that inevitably followed.
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Spain (1881):

Spanish language (504):

Translation (788):


  1. Far East is staked out by the child protection charities, who I am sure indulge as well; Cuba is about to be invaded by American dogooders and TV crews; in the UK any man over 30 who talks to anyone under 20 without recording the conversation is liable to find himself in the Daily Mail. So… and the food IS far better.

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