“In front of a child playground,” no less. Bit chillier than Vietnam/Cuba/…, but conceivably preferable to Westminster. (H/t C)
Update: I’m told that the agent pronounces it “pederastian”.
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Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
“In front of a child playground,” no less. Bit chillier than Vietnam/Cuba/…, but conceivably preferable to Westminster. (H/t C)
Update: I’m told that the agent pronounces it “pederastian”.
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Unfortunate. Or maybe they're just aiming for a very specialised market?
Far East is staked out by the child protection charities, who I am sure indulge as well; Cuba is about to be invaded by American dogooders and TV crews; in the UK any man over 30 who talks to anyone under 20 without recording the conversation is liable to find himself in the Daily Mail. So… and the food IS far better.