Man who can’t write English got a piece of paper from Harvard Business School. No problem: been there, seen that, finishing school for the N American ruling caste. But same man has got 307K followers on Twitter – even more than the Singing Organ Grinder – many of whom attach symbolic, patriotic importance to his every utterance. If half of them donated one dollar cent on Crowdfunding, and Mrs could be prevented from spending it on yet more plastic surgery, then some expat translator in Guanajuato would happily be his slave for a month and the ex-president wouldn’t look like a illiterate Mexican from a 1950s Hollywood B movie. Easy peasy.
- Vicente Fox Quesada @VicenteFoxQue Hace 16 horas
This’s beautifull Marta my love! its birthday.What do you know about Love? Or you just know about hating . How sad!