
Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Sat Sep 01 19:40 Exactly what military bands aren't meant to do.
- Sun Sep 02 12:28 How many of the Islamist massacres in West Africa are actually committed by atheists no longer able to bear their evangelical neighbours' new PA? Pleasures of Hackney
- Mon Sep 03 08:37 If you go down in the woods on Sundays, you're sure to find that nocturnal raves and matutinal after parties have shifted marginally to allow the cops to feign enforcement success. Bummer for rough sleepers & other wildlife on/at Walthamstow Marsh/Lea Bridge/Hackney Marsh
- Mon Sep 03 10:06 The Dentist on Chatsworth Road doesn't fix mandibular fractures. Whoever put the window in without addressing the structure may shortly discover that it provides more light than intended.
- Mon Sep 03 11:09 2 centuries after Waterloo, UK gov about to launch cunning scheme to transport bytes by carrier pigeon from Belgium to London: superfast birdband
- Mon Sep 03 11:13 Localization: Geraint Thomas disqualified from Tour of Britain after his bicycle is found to have been stolen from TfL's Boris Bikes scheme
- Mon Sep 03 13:38 Someone needs to document the RADA and SWP (North London Poly) dialects of Cockney before their speakers sink into cannabic senility.
- Mon Sep 03 15:56 RT @rshotton: Charlie Munger uses this anecdote to warn of confusing chauffeur knowledge (knowledge from people who have learned to put on…
- Mon Sep 03 17:16 What is the point of me now?
- Tue Sep 04 06:32 On long bus commutes to school
- Tue Sep 04 06:37 The English R. I didn't even know the Ben Jonson quote
- Tue Sep 04 06:43 Did the left destroy our bandstands?
- Tue Sep 04 08:36 Comment: @Transblawg @wef The article they link to from "incapable of following bus timetables" doesn't actually mention that or "arriving at work on schedule", and specifically refutes any notion that Whorf said the Hopi were timeless. Straw man?
- Tue Sep 04 09:01 Comment: @Transblawg @wef I think they just made that up. I get my ben trovato fix from the Daily Mail, which also has pictures.
- Tue Sep 04 09:08 The bit in Vanity Fair beginning "All that day from morning until past sunset, the cannon never ceased to roar" is one of the most remarkable scenes in any book, but ITV knows that every historical drama requires an FX battle, so they corrected Thackeray & filmed Waterloo. LMAO
- Tue Sep 04 09:12 Comment: @Transblawg @wef That kind of stuff just doesn't translate very well.
- Tue Sep 04 09:16 Thomas Houghton/Ellen Crane, The knife-grinder of Caen (1882), from the BL. Ingenious use of a dog, new to me, but portability seems to be an issue, unless the contraption morphs, Power-Ranger-like, into a dog-drawn cart.
- Wed Sep 05 08:03 Hackney business owners against immigration
- Wed Sep 05 08:09 Like the old thing about dances starting out slow & obscure and and gaining pace & popularity over the years to a point where they are abandoned and then rediscovered by some slow and obscure soul. War films should be watched double speed, with subtitles, but that may change.
- Wed Sep 05 08:15 This mummer's costume is doing the rounds again, & only the devil knows why none of the retweeters say where they found it (Philly Museum of Art) or where it's from (Yorkshire < Italy?).
- Wed Sep 05 10:00 Increase in the number of hamsters who believe that the wheel is flat.
- Wed Sep 05 10:03 Unrhymed Limericks There was a young lady called Dawes, Went out to a dance without gloves; Her ma said: “Amelia! Should anyone dance with you, He’ll take you for one of them actresses.”
- Wed Sep 05 14:35 RT @IntarchEditor: Here's another lovely lucky dip for #HillfortsWednesday Pentre Camp, Llanfair Caereinion (Image: Crown Copyright RCAHM…
- Thu Sep 06 07:53 Rotterdam-Jewish revue star Heintje Davids (1888-1975), sister of the great Louis Davids, converts herself into Al Jolson
- Thu Sep 06 07:56 Comment: @alexkbcn That's verging on the joke about the Chinese Communist Party leader who, when asked about democracy, says: I wake up evely molning to small election.
- Thu Sep 06 07:58 Novichok threat to Bow tourism? What a strange world.
- Thu Sep 06 08:11 Will #hillfortwednesday consider the Palatine Hill for inclusion, or do Roman hilltop power bases not count?
- Thu Sep 06 17:15 Algerian burgundy, The Times, 1957. You can tell it's not hipster-drunk because it's pretty cheap.
- Fri Sep 07 09:35 The "Your Tweet archive"/"Request your archive" feature on Twitter appears to have stopped working (6 days since request). Is the end near? @TwitterSupport
- Fri Sep 07 11:09 Helpful Ofcom guide to causing offence Disappointed that it doesn't include "mixed-race", which suggests that we do not all belong to one species
- Fri Sep 07 11:10 Comment: Via
- Fri Sep 07 12:08 Comment: @tombcn
- Fri Sep 07 16:27 1940-1 annual report from the Dutch central bank praising progress over the past year towards achieving a European single market, & noting that "negotiations" with other countries are still underway
- Fri Sep 07 17:04 BLOG: Burt Reynolds, the source for George Best’s account of what he did with his money? With some Arturo Barea about the railway Reynolds was filming on.
- Sat Sep 08 11:02 From Jerry Hanrahan, on the 51½th parallel at West Drayton:
I'm writing this from Heaven, here I dwell with God above
Here there's no more tears of sadness just eternal love
Spanish gypsy tombs often feature boxing effigies, but there's more poetry here
- Sat Sep 08 19:09 Heard good things about a certain behijabbed, Sudanese Mrs Sani, & now hoping that, since Islam recognises Noah, she will name one of her offspring after his second son, Ham.
- Sat Sep 08 20:23 Comment: @GeoffRimington @Transblawg I'm sure MM has an interview with the guy who set it all up years and years ago. Marvellous story, product & marketing materials exported all over Europe and I believe further. Not quite IKEA, but now v wealthy.
- Mon Sep 10 11:43
- Tue Sep 11 07:41 Re knuckle-cracking on one hand for 50 years to investigate relationship with arthritis: not sure where this leaves the friend who is applying face cream to one side to test dermatological benefits
- Tue Sep 11 09:34 Kevin Meayers makes Gavioli-style fairground organs out in Chesham, with perforated books, in fashion between barrels and MIDI. More from Bucks:
- Tue Sep 11 09:37 Comment: @NatnattyNcook @diamondgeezer @Hackneycyclist I encountered a cyclist a couple of years ago who hadn't ducked and wasn't so much unhappy as un.
- Wed Sep 12 08:05 "Whisper, Tracy, there's people trying to sleep." "I CAN'T WHISPER, I'M DRUNK!" (In mobile SMS drafts, so presumably on a train or plane.)
- Wed Sep 12 09:41 They're slowly edging towards my 1997-ish Dutch plan to sequester carbon and pay unemployed Limburg miners to bury it in pits.
- Wed Sep 12 17:45 "Nazis made me work Dalston church organ bellows" Roughly the same story ran a couple of years ago. It's often said that the hospital only served German-speakers, but that was never true. Image is Times 1861
- Fri Sep 14 07:55 Dullest film I have ever seen, by far, courtesy of the G Institut.
- Fri Sep 14 09:14 My favourite bit of Humphrey Jennings' brilliant Spare Time (1939): the Mancunian carnival kazoo band with the infant Britannia, cutting away to real lions
- Fri Sep 14 09:23 3 little pigs met a Chupa Chup
- Fri Sep 14 15:35 "The more taps on the bar the worse the quality of the beer. "
- Sat Sep 15 05:59 It's neither scone nor scon, it's bun, pronounced bum. Now booger off and leave me in peace.
- Sat Sep 15 06:15 Can't believe I'd never seen Withnail & I: genius.
- Sat Sep 15 06:37 So what's all the fuss about Trump's wall when we romanticise old ones of similar intent?
- Sat Sep 15 10:02 RT @diamondgeezer: Total cost of all the featured clothes and accessories in today's @guardian fashion supplement: £202,699
- Sat Sep 15 10:08 The Great Storm of 1630 Much mischief by these Hail-Stones there was done, For in St Leonard Shoreditch there was one Who as he was was a dressing Hemp, ’tis said, All on a sudden he was stricken dead.
- Sat Sep 15 10:38 Yiddish ballad of forbidden love between a Goy & a Yid, retranslated: "And now is come the time of love: Say unto me but yea or nay." "Lov'st thou me yea, or lov'st me nay, We must now part, my parents say." Whereupon he shoots her.
- Sat Sep 15 10:38 Comment: ( "Un itst iz gekumen di libe tsayt Di zolst mir zogn yo tsi neyn." "Tsi libst mikh yo, tsi di libst mikh nit mayne eltern zey viln dikh nit." )
- Sat Sep 15 13:57 In pre-literate days, thought Dutch winter dish stamppot, pound-pot, was stampot, tribal pot, cos made in huge cauldrons for troops. But not all is written: can't find what RG, Dutch Low Saxon speaker, called stampot molsch (mulch) = last ditch use of veg on verge of putrefaction
- Sat Sep 15 14:04 Comment: Another favourite modern Dutch military eggcorn: kunstof (enabling material) for kunststof (synthetic material)
- Sat Sep 15 15:01 The Romanian twins who used to hang around downtown Barcelona make more sense now I've seen Ricky Berwick
- Sun Sep 16 09:42 Re a Syrian mathematician friend who was injured a while ago in a wedding-fire accident: how did people in those parts celebrate before the invention of gunpowder? by throwing stones in the direction of the deity?
- Sun Sep 16 18:08 It would be so nice to be able to push half a dozen screaming children round some allotments on an old market trolley every weekend.
- Sun Sep 16 18:40 Matt's worth every penny
- Mon Sep 17 06:26 Jesus' wife and the Florida pornographer
- Mon Sep 17 07:47 Norman's backing tape recalls the beginning of the synth era. He tried this act with geese before swapping to budgies.
- Mon Sep 17 09:56 Comment: @WateryTom Just spoke to a lawyer and it seems that the forfeit is that they are now legally obliged to push us around on a trolley for the rest of our natural lives.
- Mon Sep 17 12:03 Today's menu (ex St Senara, Zennor)
- Tue Sep 18 06:28 Can’t Hold Waffles, Studies for Piano and Burning Kitchen Appliances Conlon Nancarrow on his day off
- Tue Sep 18 06:34 Comment: @Transblawg That's truly awful.
- Tue Sep 18 08:12 It's raining it's pouring: terror in Ipswich Shame their vid doesn't work
- Tue Sep 18 09:07 Chinese Greensleeves. Kitsch punk.
- Tue Sep 18 11:01 Comment: @Transblawg We're coming to get you.
- Tue Sep 18 15:03 Hackney Council, still in utter disarray in the Stoke Newington road-closure/Church Street & William Patten pollution show
- Tue Sep 18 18:06 Despite all the digital templates and ISO certificates and Ofsted outstandings, Hackney public typography has surely never been this random
- Tue Sep 18 18:14 No one can sleep like me in motorised transport, but I have yet to master the pub
- Wed Sep 19 07:30 Developers Crest Nicholson's demolition of Birds Eye HQ at Walton Court seems to be attracting less attention than their arboricide of the Bethnal Green mulberry. Check the video
- Wed Sep 19 07:33 Comment: Re the destruction of Shakespeare's mulberry by Gastrell:
- Wed Sep 19 07:34 Someone on Today re social media: YouTube has as many followers as Islam
- Wed Sep 19 07:43 Frank Abagnale tells his version
- Wed Sep 19 09:44 Comment: @Transblawg I lie on my side facing the screen with my eyes half closed
- Wed Sep 19 09:46 Thackeray, Vanity Fair, resolves the great multi-gender, personal-pronoun debate: A person can't help their birth.
- Wed Sep 19 09:47 Our Lord sent Jesus Christ to Earth to learn English.
- Wed Sep 19 11:10 Comment: @DamianPatchell @ofo_bicycleUK @westminsterco Westminster, Colorado is probably a record for a London Ofomobile. I can show you some others closer to home.
- Wed Sep 19 11:15 @HostingUK_ Hi, I'm still waiting for a response to ticket U512499 posted four days ago.
- Wed Sep 19 11:33 Comment: @AndrewHammel1 Whatever happened to the Berliner who, years ago, used to take $hitty pictures of turds and convert them into postcards?
- Wed Sep 19 22:10 @unitedhosting @HostingUK I'm trying to find someone to respond to ticket U512499, opened 13:19 last Saturday.
- Thu Sep 20 08:20 I didn't know that Infamy was one of Denis Norden's. What a lovely man, and from just round the corner, on Mare Street. But whence his second name, Mostyn?
- Thu Sep 20 08:40 A small person compares my reading style to Johnny 5's, with the minor distinction that Johnny understands it. Here with Chuck McGill from Better Call Saul
- Thu Sep 20 11:55 Important omission from Lol's top 10 on-and-on songs : 1st TV ad to penetrate my thick head: Ariston and on and on
- Thu Sep 20 13:17 Sons of Anarchy (embiggen), Stroud, near Petersfield
- Mon Sep 24 10:16 Bad poetry rap: "Levi Lajuan Gibbs, 18, Covington, ... possession of firearm or knife during commission of or attempt to commit certain rimes" (Just back from a mission to the still unchallenged Wesleyan doggerelists)
- Mon Sep 24 10:21 Isn't it more extraordinary and absurd that (Spanish) politicians feel the need for a degree on their CV than that they obtain such bits of paper through corruption and plagiarism?
- Mon Sep 24 17:56 RT @northumbriana: This is great: Peter Frankenfeld's 'Wetterkarte' tour of German accents from 1973. Note how Königsberg and Breslau are s…
- Mon Sep 24 17:56 Comment: @Transblawg I am still trying.
- Mon Sep 24 20:27 .@TheSun piece on Waltham Forest gang murders omits the many great things going on in the borough, e.g. the fact that Walthamstow High Street now has two Lidls
- Mon Sep 24 20:29 Wahahahahaha
- Mon Sep 24 21:33 RT @LowEbbs: This will be dismissed as Project Ferret
- Tue Sep 25 08:44 Furtwängler & the LPO, 1948, presumably Kingsway Hall, demolished 20 years ago: end of 4th mvt of Brahms 4, starting with the trombone chorale, featuring George Maxted
- Tue Sep 25 13:44 Comment: @HostingUK_ Oops, I didn't realise that HostingUK's evidently screwed up takeover of United - which used to provide good service - didn't mean that I was now your customer.
- Tue Sep 25 14:26 Before Germans voted for a party dedicated to killing off the literates and the Nobels.
- Tue Sep 25 15:37 BLOG: “Organ grinders to sleep in the wash house”: How a mass-produced 1960s joke sign for bars and pubs became proof of historical authenticity before being censured as a hate crime against tinkers and thinkers (or organ-grinders, as we are often known).
- Tue Sep 25 15:39 Comment: @Transblawg I want to take a photo of a bird in flight. Am considering buying a stuffed one and some strong wire.
- Tue Sep 25 15:40 Comment: @Transblawg I have been instructed to drink more at lunchtime. This afternoon has been an utter disaster.
- Tue Sep 25 16:19 Comment: @Transblawg Otherwise they'd be pelicants.
- Tue Sep 25 17:21 Comment: @Transblawg I ate them.
- Tue Sep 25 18:38 Google: "People also ask: What do you call someone from Czech?"
- Tue Sep 25 21:02 CAT BOSS, Hackney Wick/dick
- Wed Sep 26 08:41 Still curious to know the banner under which this couple wages war.
- Thu Sep 27 07:48 Thread. Personal fave: C18th London court built sans roof & 3 walls to prevent jail fever (epidemic typhus). Tragic memory of 1930s municipal dark woods & gloom of Clerkenwell CC on Duncan Street (now flats) where failed to stay eviction of co-squatters -> death of baby upstairs
- Thu Sep 27 08:37 Slaves, "Girl Fight" Rol has more sub-30" songs
- Thu Sep 27 08:59 Isle of Sheppey's most famous wigger on speaking Jamaican
- Thu Sep 27 09:03 Comment: Extraordinary how archaic he sounds compared with the neighbours
- Thu Sep 27 09:05 Comment: A slightly more professional example
- Thu Sep 27 09:17 So is the Cosmopolitan Tess Holliday cover a return to Etruscan values?
- Thu Sep 27 10:35 @hostinguknet still hasn't fixed ticket #U512499 from September 15th. Takeover of @unitedhosting not working out?
- Thu Sep 27 12:40 BLOG: Hell in Cornwall, and Brisola the organ-grinder from Brisola: two favourite anecdotes from Maisie & Evelyn Radford’s musical mission to the Cornish and thence to the English.
- Fri Sep 28 09:12 Friday doggerel ex the eastern oracle: Boiled beef & carrots * 2 That's the stuff for your 'darby-kel' Makes you fat & it keeps you well Don't live like vegetarians, on the stuff they give to parrots From morn till night, blow out your kite On boiled beef & carrots.
- Fri Sep 28 09:13 Comment: Full text Peter Sellers parody - Boiled Bananas & Carrots
- Fri Sep 28 09:18 Comment: The site also has quite a lot of monkey songs
- Fri Sep 28 09:34 Drinking & driving on the Regent's Canal near the City Road Basin. Dunno the English term, & so long since I've been to Amsterdam that can't remember the Dutch - tried borrelbootje, but nope. Chinese tourists prefer to walk along to Broadway Market.
- Fri Sep 28 10:47 Comment: @Transblawg Ah of course. They also call it a hot tub boat. Don't mention that as well as water at 38º there will be booze at 8. Does the Merchant Shipping Act apply?
- Fri Sep 28 12:28 Just break the window, mate, there's no one around
- Fri Sep 28 15:39 How to get drinkable cask in pubs
- Fri Sep 28 16:17 Ah, Moravia
- Fri Sep 28 20:51 RT @SteveStuWill: Sex differences in hospital visits due to wall punching
- Fri Sep 28 20:55 Great unease amongst the roadmen at Well St/Morning Lane: does the drone hovering overhead belong to the feds or to a gunman?
- Sat Sep 29 08:37 Diamond Geezer went to Salisbury He does get about.
- Sat Sep 29 08:55 Poor old Albion, sans 4 of 6 letters. Though an early Lauriston Road shopper wrote Fortran for Kodak research, even he can't tell me if I will ever see Roger the silversmith again.
- Sat Sep 29 08:56 The Guardian thinks that this boss-employee relationship was exceptional
- Sat Sep 29 11:13 Peter O'Toole's best-of Jeffrey Bernard is one of the funniest things I've seen - thought I would die of laughter at several points
- Sat Sep 29 12:27 Young guy on Millfields Rd with a loud speaker backpack playing "You gonna be my bitch, girl, / You gonna suck my dick, girl." Not everyone gets a "Good morning."
- Sat Sep 29 12:54 Gmail still works OK on the HTML view
- Sat Sep 29 21:52 Comment: @justinjerez Hostia nen!
- Sat Sep 29 21:55 I'm in Boak & Bailey!
- Sat Sep 29 22:13 Comment: @justinjerez geweldig mien jong!
- Sun Sep 30 11:10 If this recycled art on the Lee Navigation under the A12 is stuck to the pillars with superglue, will the road collapse when it is removed?
- Sun Sep 30 11:29 Mockneys don't drink Mocne
- Sun Sep 30 12:08 2-room apartment with garden and bike parking in London for under 300K
- Sun Sep 30 20:26 RT @Pani_Bufetowa: SOURFAUX
- Sun Sep 30 20:28 Pub 50/50 elderly Irish/young travellers, music 50/50 Country & Irish/chemical dance, telly Gerrard's top 150 goals for Liverpool, then up gets a Nigerian lady to sing soul classics and everyone goes home
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