
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Thompson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
? Thompson [I1481]      
? Thompson [I1482]      
Alice Thompson [I1479] between 1829 and 1830 2/10/1850  
Andrew Little Thompson [I0136] 10/3/1844   Blanche Ladd [I0395]
Ann Thompson [I0143] 1878   Harry Bingham [I0150]
Anna Elizabeth Thompson [I0011] 27/11/1853 26/9/1928 Thomas ApSimon (Jones) [I0008]
Annie B. Thompson [I1498] between 1874 and 1875    
Charles Joseph Thompson [I0135] 1851 1851  
Edward T. Thompson [I1497] between 1868 and 1869    
Florence Phoebe Thompson [I0974]   27/7/1942 Harold Lincoln Tangye [I0921]
Harriet Agnes Thompson [I0090] between 1855 and 1856 4/11/1902 Robert Albert Jones [I0133]
James Thompson [I1488] about 1798    
John Thompson [I0141] 1838 1902 Josephine Thompson [I0092]
John Thompson [I1480] 1842 10/11/1925 Mary Jane Lockhart [I1503]
John Thompson [I1499] between 1876 and 1877    
John Knox Thompson [I0144] 1880 1944  
John Pettigrew Thompson [I0134] 1851 1851  
John(?) Thompson [I0129]   after 1824 Elinor Maxwell [I1486]
Joseph Thompson [I0016] between 12/11/1802 and 3/4/1803 12/11/1882 Agnes Pettigrew (Petigrew) [I0017]
Joseph Thompson [I0139] 1855 1857  
Joseph Thompson [I0142] about 1876 about 1930  
Joseph Henry Thompson [I0140] 1857    
Josephine Thompson [I0092] 1847 between 1924 and 1925 John Thompson [I0141]
Lilian Thompson [I1501] between 1880 and 1881    
Maria Jeannette Thompson [I0138] 1849 1929 D.H. Carter [I0146]
Mary Elizabeth Thompson [I1478] between 1827 and 1828 26/1/1851 Cheyne [I1505]
May H. Thompson [I1500] between 1878 and 1879    
Robert Thompson [I1475] between 1802 and 1803 19/10/1896 Isabella McGowan [I1476]
Robert Thompson [I1477] 1/2/1839 3/8/1918 Susan Johnston [I1485]
Sarah Frances/Francis Thompson [I0091] 1859 1899 James Knowles [I0157]
William Thompson [I0131] before 1828 1848  
William Hamilton Thompson [I0137] 1845    
William Hamilton Thompson [I0145] 1882 1916