

The local Spanish conservatives (PP) and Catalan separatists (ERC) are saying that the public launch on April 3rd of Barcelona’s gorgeous new light rail service (nother site) should be delayed, while the crumbly old Catalan nationalists (CiU) have only just stopped short of asking for each tram to be preceded by a man waving a red flag.

They say they’re worried by the twenty-odd accidents caused by moronic car drivers during trials. However, since these politicos never called for car transport to be halted until century-old car-on-everything-else safety concerns are resolved, they’re only succeeding in making themselves look stupid.

The whole light rail project is one of the fruits of better greater-metropolitan transport planning over the last decade and comes in two bits: TramBaix, which links Barcelona to towns on the edge of the Llobregat valley to the south, and TramBesòs, which does the same for the Besòs valley to the north.

It is the first section that is due to be inaugurated on April 3rd and, apart from the formidable benefits it should bring to inhabitants of the outer reaches of our universe, it will enable us to boldly go and visit Bofill’s Walden 7 development in Sant Just Desvern without having to sit for an hour on a crowded bus. Here’s a view of Walden 7 with the old Sansòn cement factory chimney in front of it taken on a grey day during this walk:


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  1. Why are you explaining the new like if ERC would be against the tram?? Or like if ERC and Popular Party would agree in this question??

    ERC is in the government of Barcelona with the Socialist Party and the greens, and has always apologized the tram. Moreover, ERC is the most active party in the protection of the enviroment in Catalonia. For example in the region of the riber Ebre, ERC has won in a lot of towns for his oposition to the transfer of water, but also in the coast or in other parts where is in all kind of platforms against masive urbanization or golf fields. I want to remember that Barcelona has been declared against bullfights city to ERC instance.

    About the tram question, the time has given de reason to ERC, which only suggested a delyment of the service to be sure that it worked good. Today, all the trams are stopped because the material of the railes has been melted by the hot. It will be necesary to change all the railes, and all for the pressure of the socialist party. Pressure only motivated for his interest of giving a good image of Barcelona during the Cultures Forum, a great especulative operation.

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