Calling all Barcelona-based Ukrainian anarcho-communists

Local “anarchists” showing Nestor Makhno, paysan d’Ukraine this Friday.

The local petit bourgeois-anarchist-romantic-vegetarian clique, Rosa de Foc, is screening Hélène Châtelain‘s hagiography, Nestor Makhno, paysan d’Ukraine, behind the green door at Verntallat 26 at 20:00 on Friday. Makhno was the Ukrainian millenarian warlord chief of the non-party party during the Russian civil wars, and responsible for genocide committed against non-Ukrainian groups. In exile he worked as a carpenter for the Paris Opera and at Renault, but no cheap jokes, please. For those of you who can’t make it, and in particular for No Good Boyo, the documentary is available online. Here’s part one:

I rather like Makhno’s dull-witted great-nephew at 5’30”:

I work. I live. I cultivate my garden. I plant onions. What else? It’s OK.

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