A gym called Anthrax

CLUB ESPORTIU ANTHRAX. Only disadvantage: they bury you in a lime-pit if you quit.

Automated caching of helpful intros from Wikipedia

For each tag you will get one of a one-sentence intro + link if it’s in Wikipedia and if it may confuse an average reader (eg “web cache”); just a link if the concept is available on WP but too simple to bother with (eg “cache”); nothing if there’s no corresponding WP entry (eg “reservatory”).…

Fua vs Hoe

Philosophy don’t make nest for sweet little pigeon.

Facebook: if you form a civil partnership you must be gay

Chez Lexicool, via MM, Katia, who, using Facebook in English, described herself as being in a civil union with Juan, only to have a lucky escape from her mother-in-law, who, using Facebook in Spanish, had understood that this was in some sense a homosexual union, and was just about to order some educational literature from…

My tribute to the Marquis of Tàpies

A Tàpies bar on Paralelo for overfunded New Worlders, to play on any guilt they may feel for having absolutely ignored the silly old bugger for the last 50 years.

Drone target: La Voz de Barcelona

“Solo el Principado de Asturias, la Comunidad de Madrid, Cantabria, Galicia, Aragón y Cataluña están por encima de la media española.” Afaik 90% of what they do is sift through El País, rephrase and add spin, but ffs. And it’s curious: whatever decline may have taken place, I thought Greece and Spain were still world-leaders…

Galician gastronomy for people with false teeth, cats and dogs: chack it out!

From Don Colin and the Xunta de Galicia, some gruesome translation with the splendid tagline “Flavour Routes, chack them out!”: “Check them out” would be far too unenterprising for a region whose private-sector, while Catalonia was spending €150M of public money trying to turn Barcelona Airport into a global hub, quietly forged a privileged relationship…