Refutation of Bilbeny’s “conclusive proof” that Quijote was written in Catalan

The problem with Catalan “philologist” and “historian” Jordi Bilbeny being a 24-carrot burro is that when he occasionally says something half sensible no one listens. The conspiracy theory which rules Bilbeny’s life is that guys like Columbus and Cervantes were really Catalan, but that a powerful group destroyed all the evidence and then disappeared without…

Racial stereotypes in urban planning

Lord Frederic Hamilton, Here, There And Everywhere (1921): “The Briton contrives an ugly town in which you can live in reasonable health and comfort; the Spaniard fashions a most picturesque city in which you are extremely like to die.”

Lake Maracaibo: home of the first guiri, the original tanga?

Chávez’s anti-gringo rhetoric forms the basis of his appeal, but new evidence (which may gull the gullible and disturb yet the already disturbed) suggests that the guiri–the Spanish gringo–may have actually originated in what should perhaps be renamed the República Guiriana. Here’s Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo in Historia general y natural de las Indias (1535)…

My Bolivarian republic for a horse

The last time I was in Caracas a general parked his tank outside the national assembly building and the chamber maid died of cholera. Things haven’t improved since, and Hugo Chávez’s infant daughter has just thrown a spanner in the works of the historic Bonaire invasion project by telling him to drop everything else until…

Japanese recreate Sant Pol restaurant

I already knew that Sant Pau in Sant Pol de Mar (walk) was a damn fine restaurant (Carme Ruscalleda has just bagged her third Michelin star). What I didn’t know is that, since April Fool’s 2004, aeroplane-averse Japanese have been able to patronise a replica in Tokyo. I hereby offer to fix their English in…

Standard Aragonese

One pragmatic reason for creating and disseminating a standard language is to increase the political punch of speakers. Still, it’s going to be a while before Aragonese (English .doc here) overtakes Turkish. (I haven’t got time to check it, but I’ll bet the Turkish claim is flawed.)

How to spot Opus infiltrators

Opus is Opus Dei (“God’s Work” / “Obra de Dios”), the sect started by Barbastro priest Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer. Popular belief in their influence–I’d say they’re Spain’s masons, except that folks are convinced the masons are also out to get them–has given rise to jokes, like the one about the well-connected bank with a…

Polaquia is currently ruled by a moustache called Carod Rovira

“Spain (from the Latin term for Ass Pain) is a small, mountainous country in southern Yurp ruled by a gigantic animated marble statue of Generalissimo Francisco Franco and populated by dwarves, halflings and tunos.”/ “Polaquia is currently ruled by a moustache called Carod Rovira, with support from Pasqual Maragall and Malonda, the town drunk.” Check…

So why shouldn’t I wet my appetite?

I know it’s banned in English, but it seems perfectly natural to me, just as natural as wetting one’s whistle: if it don’t rain it won’t grow, and the road to the kebab shop is awash with Blairite pub extensions. Gordonio, a medical treatise published in 1495, is against drinking between meals but recommends they…

Death row final statements by Hispanic Texans

I was just curious why only the occasional guy has stuff in Spanish, and the FAQs don’t explain. I guess it’s about speaking to victims’ families, officialdom and soon-to-be ex-colleagues, most of whom will be English-speaking. Sometimes the English is so strange (“somebody find Void”, “Into your hands Oh Lord, I commence my spirit”) that…