Spanish construction corruption blog

Regular updates from Ali Baba’s cave.

Grupo Prisa must have hoped that judge Garzón’s pre-election leaks to El país would help stave off financial doom–shares are down almost 90% on last year–but here’s someone else tapping a nail into its coffin. With traditional Spanish contempt for copyright, Urbanismo Patas Arriba is copy-pasting the latest revelations, principally from El país, although that may change. I suppose if he/she tagged the posts properly this might over the course of the next couple of years give us a hint (convictions, amounts embezzled) as to which of the PP and the PSOE is more corrupt.

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  1. Oh, come on, Trev! We have Graeme’s assurance that it’s the PP. Be fair. He may be self-confessedly biased but we have no reason to question his integrity. That said,I guess I have to admit I’m not convinced he’s right. As you say, there’s a need for objective evidence. Armed with this, someone can then mount a campaign to change things. Unless, of course, they got no support.

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