One more liberal cosmopolitan for Brexit

I agree with Jeremy and TSE that the problem’s not going to go away either way. But, apart from the anti-democratic nature of the project, I’m voting out because, while the EU has lowered costs and raised revenues for the Guardian-reading, property-owning classes (I’m particularly thinking of free movement of people in the form of…

Thomas More endorses the siesta

Of the twenty-four equal hours into which they divide the day and the night, the Utopians devote only six to work. They work three hours before noon, when they go to lunch. After lunch, they rest for two hours, then go to work for another three hours. Then they have supper, and about eight o’clock…

Filho/a da puta

I fear a British employment tribunal is about to give undue weight to an exceptionally everyday Portuguese curse. But José “translator” Mourinho should be able to wriggle his way out of that, and if he can’t then he can probably afford it.

The curiousness of Colin

I mean, why’s he always walking back to a place NEAR where he lives? It’s like being the serial seducer of someone you don’t really fancy. He’s right about the Dutch, though. Absolute barstards – just look how they kill pigeons: Duif vast met kop tussen brug en wegdek; duif is niet dood.…

Degerundisation in Furrin

In Spanish etc., campsite > camping, carpark > parking, etc., but then in German happy ending > happy End. Who cares? End is a genital euphemism in English, so a happy ending in a London massage parlour loses nothing in translation. The Happy End of Georg Anton Benda’s version of Romeo and Juliet is more…


To the extent that she is not merely chucking us clickbait, Elena Horrillo’s piece on supposedly untranslatable Spanish expressions suggests she hasn’t read the English Wikipedia article, some of which has been translated into Spanish. Translating difficult expressions, sayings and proverbs like those cited was already a minor industry in the late Middle Ages (anyone…