
Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Fri Mar 01 08:50 Narco Polo is so 2011
- Fri Mar 01 08:51 The secret to some languages is not to speak them.
- Fri Mar 01 09:22 NASA announces that it will be able to fake a Mars landing in 2030
- Fri Mar 01 09:41 Rev Kilvert, 1872: At Shanklin one has to adopt the detestable custom of bathing in drawers. If ladies don't like to see men naked why don't they keep away from the sight? To-day I had a pair of drawers given me which I could not keep on.
- Fri Mar 01 09:41 Comment: The rough waves stripped them off and tore them down round my ankles. While thus fettered I was seized and flung down by a heavy sea which retreating suddenly left me lying naked on the sharp shingle from which I rose streaming with blood.
- Fri Mar 01 09:41 Comment: After this I took the wretched and dangerous rag off and of course there were some ladies looking on as I came up out of the water.
- Fri Mar 01 09:46 Comment: @PParkerWriting I wonder what she really looked like.
- Fri Mar 01 10:01 Resurrection squads: puppeteers & surgical teams. With a good scissors gag (skills of fixed vs gig ensembles) & surviving the risk of upstaging by live puppetry (cf shows involving children, animals, nudists...)
- Fri Mar 01 10:05 Comment: Apparently the eagle flight data is pretty much bollocks.
- Fri Mar 01 10:45 Underground air is said to be worse than the fresh London breeze, so why do cyclists wear masks but molemen not?
- Fri Mar 01 23:49 Historia de Barcelona, 2/3: * 1427: Empieza una gran serie de terremotos (65+127) * 1634: Es ejecutado Serrallonga (20/i) * 1848: Jueves Lardero, 1848 (474/i) * 1919: Pla: Diumenge * 1936: Tras las elecciones, huida burguesa, amenazas de secesión, caos…
- Sat Mar 02 09:03 Couldn't give 50p to the black alkie at Tesco (white saviour) nor to the white junkie (racist) so bought a can of beer (vile).
- Sat Mar 02 09:17 US producers can evade the ban on chlorinated chicken by stuffing and packing uncleaned birds with the chlorinated salads on sale at UK supermarkets & Pret.
- Sat Mar 02 10:15 William Williams Pantycelyn (1717-91, Bread of Heaven etc), is my new top doggerelist Be still, my Soul, love and behold The Victim on the Tree: The GOD, the Saviour groans and dies For Miserable me.
- Sat Mar 02 13:30 Chic & techie London bands now employ anigifs to conduct them. Will there still be work for my automaton five years from now?
- Sat Mar 02 13:38 Trying to convert retired French wine importer from Lidl @£3 to excellent £4.75 12.5% Montepulciano d'Abruzzo from Citra via Tesco. Not easy.
- Sat Mar 02 21:49 Hippocatamus or catopotamus?
- Sat Mar 02 22:20 I learnt "curlimicue", not "curlicue", but "The subtle curlicues you trace / Mean more than all the words they chase" it will have to be.
- Sat Mar 02 23:54 Comment: @Transblawg @BBCNewsnight @tradegovuk SHHHHHHHHHH!!! Someone here will overhear.
- Sat Mar 02 23:56 I missed Ethan Coen two years ago: There’s cotton candy on his head And hookers pee on him in bed —Oh no they don’t, come on now, it’s The groping only he admits To. That, and crashing dressing rooms To try and see teenagers’ tits. Be fair!
- Sun Mar 03 00:05 Historia de Barcelona, 3/3: * Domingo de Quincuagésima es el 03 de marzo este año; en 1848 fue el 5 de marzo * 1632: Felipe IV y el infante Carlos corren un jaquí a caballo (18) * 1775: Sobre san Emiterio, Emeterio, Meterio, Medí, Madi, Matino o incluso…
- Sun Mar 03 08:13 Never trust a paranormal researcher & Police & Crime Commissioner candidate who can't form the plural of "phenomenon"
- Sun Mar 03 08:21 Musil; "'Modern man is born in hospital and dies in hospital: consequently he should also live as if in a hospital!’—This demand had just been formulated by a leading architect" Was near Musil's juvenile residence in Brünn/Brno recently - didn't look that bad
- Sun Mar 03 08:22 I support demolition of this pub on the grounds that the alloper is unknown to modern science and may be dangerous
- Sun Mar 03 09:35 Comment: @Transblawg Small isn't quite as ugly
- Sun Mar 03 16:22 Comment: @Transblawg Upminster Taproom looks v promising. I am surprised you're not a regular.
- Sun Mar 03 22:12 @alisontredray Missus-approved message: You were doing a really excellent job today - that was a great career choice. Best, Trevor
- Mon Mar 04 00:17 Historia de Barcelona, 4/3: * 1904: La Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona comunica la cesión de la columna romana de su museo lapidario al Centro Excursionista de Cataluña para la restauración de la casa en la calle Paraíso (0+16) * 1919: Pla:…
- Mon Mar 04 08:31 Culpepperian horticultural astrology in the C21st
- Mon Mar 04 11:11 BLOG: A translation of a Willem Wilmink intermezzo, with tips from ex-Hengelo municipal poet Fred van de Ven on how to write your own I struggle with poetry, but there's a debt to be fulfilled in the Eastern Netherlands
- Tue Mar 05 00:24 Historia de Barcelona, 5/3: * 1519: Carlos I celebra una función de la Orden del Toison de Oro en la catedral (30) * 1848: Los tres dias de carnestolendas, 1848 (1278/i) * 1917: El conde de Santa Coloma le pide consejo al torero gitano Rafael el Gallo…
- Tue Mar 05 08:45 End of insects
- Tue Mar 05 09:44 The first time I heard Firestarter was in a respectable Dutch office & the guy who put it on had just taken the ears off a horse during a glider landing & so even the video seemed pretty dull.
- Tue Mar 05 09:48 Comment: I mean, all the music's pretty dull innit
- Tue Mar 05 10:18 Moaners allege that the banning of bacon and lingerie ads on the Tube is an attempt to placate religious fanatics, but I prefer to believe that Sadiq doesn't want young minds to associate such delightful & health-giving inventions with the foul air breathed underground
- Tue Mar 05 10:23 Ivan Rogers calls his ex-colleagues in Brussels monkeys. Fear the monkey. (Via @Transblawg)
- Tue Mar 05 10:26 Comment: @Rich_W27 @oldmudgie They are punishing narcissism and obsessive behaviour
- Tue Mar 05 11:53 I had forgotten ThomasCow
- Tue Mar 05 14:08 Nigel Jones re Jünger
- Tue Mar 05 14:25 Here's a perky little tune from Petunia-Liebling MacPumpkin
- Tue Mar 05 18:51 The trolleybus is the mule of public transport, a presumably infertile hybrid. Modern vehicles of all kinds break down so infrequently that when a trolleybus comes off the wires because of a fast & inaccurate turn in snow (Brno, Moravia), rehooking is unbelievably exciting.
- Tue Mar 05 21:02 Francis Lemarque sings Waltzing Matilda in French
- Tue Mar 05 21:06 The Connecticut business may have divided us into transphobes and misogynists, but at least it has reminded of us of our shared loathing of athletics
- Tue Mar 05 21:06 Comment: Where's the billabong?
- Wed Mar 06 00:37 Historia de Barcelona, 6/3: * Miércoles de ceniza es el 06 de marzo este año; en 1848 fue el 8 de marzo * ... y en 1842 fue el 9 de febrero * 1136: Muere san Olegario, y en seguida se curan incurables, se capturan a esclavos huidos, etc (888+343) * 1525:…
- Wed Mar 06 13:56 Never visited as a combatant, but the RCJ is indeed splendid & scary. Anyone can get in (though the absurd (in their HTML header, The Royal Courts of Justic) pretend that you need to buy a tour ticket) & it combines well with a visit to pussy behind.
- Wed Mar 06 14:03 Comment: @Barristerblog Never been to the 7 Stars?!
- Wed Mar 06 14:06 People tend to think that the Puritans were teetotallers, but I think that modern legislation & regulation is generally stricter than during the Commonwealth. Any idea of a 2-tier system, as was imposed by Puritans for Native Americans, is mad & evil.
- Wed Mar 06 14:17 Needed to get this off my chest: generously endowed Pink Tatraplan by Blahoslaw Rozboril & Josef Daňka at the Pražák Palace bit of the Moravian Gallery in Brno
- Wed Mar 06 21:19 If God created the badger, how come He didn't create a goodger?
- Thu Mar 07 00:53 Historia de Barcelona, 7/3: * Esta celebración adicional es el 07 de marzo este año; en 1848 fue el 9 de marzo * 1848: Años atrás, la fiesta de Tomás de Aquino (88) * 1978: Consejo de guerra para Els Joglars por La torna (26+4) * ☼ 07:14-18:50, 11:35…
- Thu Mar 07 11:38 The future of the carparks in provincial towns like Petersfield & Stafford is as pasture
- Thu Mar 07 21:38 If only London Overground were as efficient as Crossrail
- Fri Mar 08 01:03 Historia de Barcelona, 8/3: * 1845: Ayuntamiento de Barcelona: Bando: al fallar de nuevo el alumbrado público de gas, los vecinos deben poner luces en los balcones y ventanas (266) * 1848: Miércoles de ceniza, 1848 (1025/i) * 1918: Pla: Com que hi ha…
- Fri Mar 08 07:43 .eu probs post March 29. .yu was a nightmare too.
- Fri Mar 08 16:37 I always go to sleep in cinemas. Directors shouldn't sit behind me.
- Sat Mar 09 00:14 My new business leases diminutive mythical creatures to substitute for you in mining and gardening adventures. It is called Personal Prognomes.
- Sat Mar 09 00:16 Comment: Kim Il Sung disapproves
- Sat Mar 09 01:09 Historia de Barcelona, 9/3: * 1416: Fernando I sale de Barcelona justo antes de morir (19) * 1628: Rogativas por la Flota del Tesoro Español, anticipando la Batalla de la Bahía de Matanzas contra los holandeses bajo Piet Hein (236+37/i) * 1848: Cuaresma,…
- Sat Mar 09 11:23 Hunting of the European (not the small Syrian) hamster for skins
- Sat Mar 09 11:24 Comment: Not just retarded Soviets: the Germans too
- Sat Mar 09 11:25 Comment: And don't forget their grain stores
- Sat Mar 09 11:28 Could never figure out the economics of Uber etc, & even less how an age addicted to bleating about the planet simultaneously fomented massive growth in hydrocarbon-burning scooters & delivery vans barrelling down one's local lane
- Sat Mar 09 12:34 Isherwood was wrong: Þe common cormorant or shag Lays eggs inside a paper bag, Þe reason u will see no doubt Is to keep þe lightning out. But what þese unobservant birds Have failed to notice is þat herds Of wandering bears may come with buns And steal þe bags to hold þe crumbs.
- Sat Mar 09 14:04 Gallus = medio pollico / demi-coq
- Sat Mar 09 14:05 Comment:
- Sat Mar 09 22:19 I knew you'd all catch up #JessPhillips
- Sat Mar 09 23:08 According to the Irish passport authority, no one has more than two forenames. A bit hard on James Augustine Aloysius Joyce
- Sun Mar 10 01:22 Historia de Barcelona, 10/3: * Esta celebración adicional es el 10 de marzo este año; en 1848 fue el 12 de marzo * 1553: Se coloca la primera piedra para el baluarte de las Atarazanas (12+108) * 1820: Publicada por primera vez la constitución de 1812…
- Sun Mar 10 11:09 I thought the Crewcuts' & Andrews Sisters' Carmen's Boogie was "the boogie with the common touch", but Mel Leven remained slightly true to his tragic heroine after all
- Sun Mar 10 11:48 E9: diversity in cutlery
- Sun Mar 10 18:58 May even be true
- Sun Mar 10 19:03 What is Jeremy Clarkson trying to hide?
- Sun Mar 10 22:29 Comment: @Transblawg Curious how everything nowadays seems to turn on euphemisms for farting - Trump, Windrush, um
- Sun Mar 10 22:41 Ebenezer Obey is still active & in the Guardian ... the Lagos Guardian, that is
- Sun Mar 10 23:05 I honestly didn't know Brother Theodore. Pure genius.
- Mon Mar 11 01:31 Historia de Barcelona, 11/3: * 1564: Fiesta e iluminaciones por la llegada de los sobrinos de Felipe II (14) * 1573: Wanted, dead: los bandoleros de Cervantes (36/i) * 1809: Prohibido soltar desde los terrados cometas, que podrían dar señas a los…
- Tue Mar 12 01:37 Historia de Barcelona, 12/3: * 1461: Llega Carlos de Viana para ser rey de los catalanes (24) * 1709: Ahorcado y descuartizado un espía del duque de Orleans (69) * 1848: Domingo 1.º de cuaresma, 1848 (343) * 1919: Pla: Després d’aquests cinc anys passats…
- Tue Mar 12 08:07 The Spanish envy what they saw as the Westminster tradition of politicians resigning when they'd failed
- Tue Mar 12 11:54 Who'll go gathering votes with May? Loonies.
- Tue Mar 12 14:57 New year, new bollocks
- Tue Mar 12 18:37 "Esperanto, the aggressor language" - your hypothetical foe has to speak something
- Tue Mar 12 21:39 Google Translate says it's Esperanto for "stylish," but I think Leyton Orient star Marvin Ekpiteta's surname is Igbo and has something to do with cowries
- Wed Mar 13 01:52 Historia de Barcelona, 13/3: * 1775: Inauguración del cementerio de Poblenou, un hito en la historia del cementerio en España (176/i) * 1919: Pla: La Mancomunitat ha creat uns «Estudis Normals» i Joan Climent m’incita a inscriure-m’hi * ☼ 07:04-18:56,…
- Wed Mar 13 14:22 What Brexit? Just walked from Knightsbridge to Homerton & not one café offering either eel or no eel
- Wed Mar 13 14:57 In praise of Puritans (excluding Salem and everything pre-1750 etc etc): Maybe neo-puritans' grandchildren will be have something to offer
- Wed Mar 13 18:32 Never really noticed the glorious 1833 National Provincial Bank at Threadneedle Street/Bishopsgate. Mid-C19th radical Welsh orator Simon Jones of Bala describes in speeches his rise from nothing, but not his shareholding in this pioneering joint stock bank
- Wed Mar 13 20:04 Some phones still correct Brexit to Brecht, presumably because of the 1953 poem Die Lösung/The Solution: After the uprising of the 17th of June The Secretary of the Writers' Union Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
- Wed Mar 13 20:04 Comment: Stating that the people Had forfeited the confidence of the government And could win it back only By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier In that case for the government To dissolve the people And elect another?
- Wed Mar 13 20:08 Comment: Curious that in an almost 50 year association with the EEC/EU the Brit establishment didn't learn that using some kind of system of proportional representation, and implementing a democratic 2nd chamber, reduces the risk of such shocks
- Wed Mar 13 20:10 Yes we Canute
- Wed Mar 13 23:02 Historia de Barcelona, 14/3: * 1380: Pedro IV autoriza construcción de la Lonja (319) * 1918: Pla: Ara, finalment, dóna gust de viure a Catalunya * 1919: Pla: L’agitació obrera torna a abrivar-se * ☼ 07:02-18:58, 11:55 horas; ☾ luna menguante,…
- Thu Mar 14 08:10 I do
- Thu Mar 14 08:47 Comment: @IntermarkLS Perhaps a shame that Brecht doesn't point to Marie Antoinette or whoever in reproving his nation's leaders - Bulgakov in "Molière" is blatantly saying to Stalin, "Even Louis XIV wasn't this bad"
- Thu Mar 14 08:50 Why's a restaurant in a pub referred to as a pub, when you wouldn't think of calling a Spoons in an Odeon a cinema?
- Thu Mar 14 09:11 Bohumil Kubišta's Schopenhauer in the Moravian Gallery, Brno vs the Johann Schäfer photo, perhaps also the model for Krusty the Clown. Given AS' predilection for whites, Hindus & Egyptians, I wonder what he'd have made of Kubišta's colour scheme.
- Thu Mar 14 12:24 St Gengis
- Thu Mar 14 12:39 I know a gull called Kris Who eats celery and parsnips And I eat fish and chips But we get on fine
- Thu Mar 14 12:40 Comment:
- Thu Mar 14 23:31 Historia de Barcelona, 15/3: * 1401: Fusión de hospitales para crear el de la Santa Cruz (28+6/i) * 1507: Salen cuatro frailes en romería a Santiago para detener la peste; huida y vuelta de las instituciones (161+33) * 1631: La multitud intenta matar a…
- Fri Mar 15 07:31 Poetry: AI vs Tennyson
- Fri Mar 15 08:10 Comment: @Transblawg Of course, lawyers always proofread their docs before sending out for translation.
- Fri Mar 15 08:19 I'm still waiting for @PacmanTV to branch out into whodunnits.
- Fri Mar 15 08:22 Dostoevsky by František Foltýn (1891-1976), in the Moravian Gallery, Brno. An upmarket version of the Photoshop novice trying out the filters on all the images in their Downloads folder?
- Fri Mar 15 16:01 Irish passport authority even more chaotic than its UK counterpart, but despite what I guess are the UK's smaller inefficiency costs & economies of scale (population > 10 x Eire), a new Irish passport is 10% cheaper. Ripoff Britain?
- Fri Mar 15 16:06 Comment: @GermanAtPompey You posted that a couple of years ago!
- Fri Mar 15 16:24 Busy writing letters to Italian newspapers under names assumed from translations of Walter Scott to try to get Conte to veto the bludy Brexit extension ffs
- Sat Mar 16 00:03 Historia de Barcelona, 16/3: * 1758: Restauradas varias instituciones quitadas por Felipe V (53) * 1918: Pla: El senyor Balaguer, escrivent del Jutjat municipal, sol prendre cafè amb el meu pare * 1919: Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, el torero del 27, recibe la…
- Sat Mar 16 09:12 PRESERVE THE PENIS! The famously pink tower block, Landmark Heights, Daubeney Rd, Lower Clapton, is about to turn grey to suit landlords wishing to market flats to investors even duller than themselves One surely for @C20Society @mayorofhackney
- Sat Mar 16 09:13 Comment: See also enculade
- Sat Mar 16 09:32 Comment: @tombcn Dude's transversal
- Sat Mar 16 09:54 Academy for Law and Taxation, Vienna, acronym ARS
- Sat Mar 16 10:02 Comment: @tombcn I think I kind of missed it. Not the kind of thing that speed-reads well.
- Sat Mar 16 18:44 The Corn Laws caused huge major civic unrest & mass starvation in Ireland and other parts of the UK. What will be the result of the Porn Laws?
- Sat Mar 16 19:21 Margaret of the Month (not an endorsement) is Marged vch Ifan (1696-ca 1801), pub landlady, instrument-maker & musician, shipwright & boat-woman, blacksmith & foxhunter, wrestler & husband-beater
- Sat Mar 16 22:53 Demian's Accordion Patent application, Vienna, 1829
- Sun Mar 17 00:59 Historia de Barcelona, 17/3: * 1810: Cataluña declarada dependencia del imperio francés (63) * 1844: Ábrese la primera caja de ahorros (6) * 1919: Pla: A Palafrugell tothom es coneix i això fa que a la superfície de la vida vilatana, al voltant dels…
- Sun Mar 17 09:43 An Algerian parable: In a rich town, whose fortune was plentiful, There was a Bedouin girl, with an interesting body, Honeyed eyes and silken hair, Very romantic; many sought her hand.
- Sun Mar 17 09:44 Thread
- Sun Mar 17 09:48 Curzio Malaparte: If you were to say in Italy that the bicycle—like the horse, the dog, the eagle, the flowers, the trees, the clouds—was not invented by an Italian, then a long shudder would run down the peninsula’s spine, from the Alps to Etna
- Sun Mar 17 09:50 Was going to say, this is the future of pubs, but apparently not
- Sun Mar 17 22:19 Theresa May has turned "meaningful" into an auto-antonym, a word with two diametrically opposed meanings. "Cleave" is another underused Brexit contranym.
- Sun Mar 17 22:20 Comment: Another, underused. Unlike some, I don't wish to deceive.
- Sun Mar 17 23:01 Historia de Barcelona, 18/3: * 1376: Se ahogan 60 personas al hundirse un barco procedente de Génova (19/i) * 1462: Primer dibujo de una bandera de guerra en Barcelona, la de san Jorge (141) * ~1523: Sale Ignacio de Loyola para Tierra Santa con algo de…
- Mon Mar 18 14:50 Vomiting duck.
- Mon Mar 18 21:34 Dutch national anthem (Wilhelmus/het Nederlandse volkslied) is misquoted at 2:24 in the Bataille in Nicolas Vallet (1583-1642)'s Le Secret des Muses (1615-6)
- Mon Mar 18 21:38 Comment: I keep returning to this song (& perform the version for Double Biphone, confiscated by the Leiden police at the beginning of the German occupation in 1940 because the melody is marvellous & the text hilarious (William of Nassau, I am of German blood)
- Mon Mar 18 21:43 If the Hampshire Constabulary is finding the cuts so devastating, why did 4 different police cars drive past me last Sunday between 15:20 and 15:40 outside the Eclipse on the überboring cathedral square while I consumed a porter & a pasty? Never seen anything like that in Hackney
- Mon Mar 18 22:39 Comment: @Transblawg And they sing it with such straight faces
- Mon Mar 18 22:51 Best house in Swanmore, Hampshire is junction of Ludwell's Lane & Lower Chase Road, round back of @SwanmoreCollege. Most of the superb DIY C20th vernacular (houses one delivered newspapers to as a child) has made way for profitable dullness - hoping this survives @swanmorepc
- Mon Mar 18 22:55 Comment: Progress round the corner.
- Mon Mar 18 23:25 Historia de Barcelona, 19/3: * 1840: Se coloca la primera piedra para el mercado de la Boquería en el terreno de la iglesia de San José en el día del santo (24+13) * 1918: Pla: lectures, família * 1919: Pla: La meva germana Rosa m’escriu dient que han…
- Tue Mar 19 09:47 Trabant's marketing department (which was probably called something more interesting) probably didn't wonder whether there was an English version of the song. Would have worked in Holland:
- Tue Mar 19 11:43 Comment: @Transblawg You have me confused
- Tue Mar 19 22:34 It is reported that a small girl recently took a friend of hers round to her aged gran and said, "I'm Princess Vulva and this is Prince Penis. What's your vulva like?"
- Tue Mar 19 23:29 I want a figurative pig
- Tue Mar 19 23:45 Korngold's the smart but sentimental monkey's pick of Brno/Brünn artists, ahead of folks like Robert Musil & Milan Kundera. Unfortunately he doesn't play the overture to Captain Blood
- Tue Mar 19 23:47 Comment: George MacDonald Fraser was a fan
- Tue Mar 19 23:52 Historia de Barcelona, 20/3: * 1915: José Comas Solá, el primer español de descubrir un asteroide (29) * 1925: Disolución de la Mancomunidad (0) * ☼ 06:52-19:04, 12:11 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 100,00%, antigüedad 15 días * ✞ Arquipo, Juan…
- Wed Mar 20 00:12 Grose et al definition of a Westminster wedding
- Wed Mar 20 07:28 Carry On Up the Khyber [word omitted] being filmed in North Wales, with Mr Williams as the Khasi of Khalabar
- Wed Mar 20 07:32 When posh Brits spell Christchurch Christ Church, are they hoping to remind us which uni they went to?
- Wed Mar 20 08:40 Tintin palettes
- Wed Mar 20 08:51 Comment: @Transblawg I live in hope. Want a retake? I have a standing invite from a nefarious & well-armed North-West Frontier clan, which I unwisely helped in dealings with the Dutch state - approached while reading Persian lit in The Hague Central Library to keep myself out of the pub
- Wed Mar 20 11:17 Ellis Wynne, Sleeping Bard, on Pride Street: trimming themselves before the glass, for three hours, learning to smile, moving pins & making gestures & putting themselves in attitudes. There was many a vain creature there, who did not know how to open her lips to speak, or to eat
- Wed Mar 20 17:20 Wagnerian violence breeds audience violence. Fortunate a large lizard wasn't involved. I've never slept through the whole of Siegfried, but I've managed most of Parsifal.
- Wed Mar 20 17:34 Time to give not-for-profit pubs charitable status. Ample room under Charities Act 2011 if Public Health England can be instructed that there's a balance to be struck. BTW: OED entry for charity: 7. A refreshment dispensed in a monastic establishment between meals; a bever.
- Wed Mar 20 18:50 Why do all small children like dinosaurs?
- Wed Mar 20 19:28 .@LeaveMnsLeave Irrespective of the politics, if you say you're marching from Sunderland to London you should do that, not just the cool bits. Ex-pro long distance walk planner says: do you want me to sort the next one for you?
- Wed Mar 20 20:07 Two noughties bus rides. Outskirts of Portsmouth:
- Wed Mar 20 20:09 Comment: Tobarra, Albacete: (pun is Tobarra, to' barro - Tobarra, mud everywhere)
- Wed Mar 20 22:40 Re the return of Clause 28 in fanatical communities in Birmingham & elsewhere
- Wed Mar 20 22:51 Epitaph observed 1789 by William Gardiner in Bury St Edmunds abbey yard: Here lies the body of Jane Kent; Death kick'd up her heels, and away she went. Almost sounds as if she were hung.
- Thu Mar 21 00:14 Historia de Barcelona, 21/3: * 1848: Empieza la primavera (122) * 1918: Pla: En aquest país tenim un costum molt curiós * 1919: Pla: Inici de la primavera * ☼ 06:51-19:05, 12:14 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 100,00%, antigüedad 15 días * ✞…
- Thu Mar 21 17:01 Favourite (tho unfortunately occasional) lunch bar in B seems to have decided always to feed me in the kitchen. This is well meant, and the only side is up. Nostalgia for similar treatment while playing the wedding circuit in Westfalen etc.
- Thu Mar 21 22:02 Next challenge: getting an Irish tax ID. Still waiting for me Dublin Council sulky
- Fri Mar 22 00:40 Historia de Barcelona, 22/3: * 1071: Implantación del rito romano en San Juan de la Peña gracias a la mujer francesa de Sancho Ramírez; Barcelona sigue un mes después (0+894) * 1460: Juan II de Aragón perdona a su hijo rebelde (20) * 1810: Los franceses…
- Fri Mar 22 18:03 RT @MattCartoonist:
- Sat Mar 23 01:10 Historia de Barcelona, 23/3: * 1702: Muere José Oriol (10) * 1848: Fiesta de San José Oriol, nativo de Barcelona (232) * 1919: Pla: Diumenge * 1923: Ford deja Cádiz para instalarse en Barcelona (101) * ☼ 06:47-19:07, 12:20 horas; ☾ luna menguante,…
- Sat Mar 23 08:04 Tyree Glenn Mood Indigo here better than Lawrence Brown on Ellington Unknown Session? & watch the muting. I hope I'm not a bad person for loving his Madame Butterfly act in That's My Desire.
- Sat Mar 23 08:16 If only the black Hebrew Israelites would ring the prayer bell at 8 exactly, maybe the Lord & His Creation would look on them more favourably. And what's with the incense?
- Sat Mar 23 09:09 Oh look, I'm in The Times! Curious how the organ-grinder/monkey metaphor survives, despite few having ever seen the former
- Sat Mar 23 09:11 Another great project by Benny O’Looney.
- Sat Mar 23 12:15 How to make a profit on a 500 quid car
- Sat Mar 23 15:32 Colonel Bogey
- Sat Mar 23 17:01 Unlike Labour the SWP seems to have a position on Brexit - pro
- Sat Mar 23 17:03 Training crows to pick up fag butts. I have two which are learning to assault e-scooterists.
- Sat Mar 23 17:11 Comment: Yesterday at Highbury a poodle was watching a crow pecking bits out of a pigeon with a delightful "hodie mihi, cras tibi" expressionl
- Sat Mar 23 20:39 Out of the ghetto
- Sun Mar 24 01:28 Historia de Barcelona, 24/3: * 1443: Terremoto (1+6) * 1895: Inauguración de la Biblioteca Pública Arús (101) * 1918: Pla: En tornar de cacera o de passeig, Gori fa cap a la botiga de vetes-i-fils que posseeix al carrer de Cavallers, s’instal·la al seu…
- Sun Mar 24 08:17 Dear me, they look like a Spanish choir I used to conduct. Terrifying.
- Sun Mar 24 08:18 Gove vs Lidington etc
- Sun Mar 24 08:26 Tschuss & adieu
- Sun Mar 24 08:33 Comment: Hoping the article by De Tier/Swanenberg/vd Wijngaard will tell me whether East Netherlandish forms of adieu (adjeu, ajuu (ajuus: John the schlager-singing chimney sweep says "aju paraplu"), haju, tjeu, sjuus, adie, tjuukes) is ex Holland or Germany
- Sun Mar 24 08:36 Comment: When I first started using ajuus, I obviously thought of the Spanish adios rather than the French adieu, and some words are so right that they float by mysterious channels far from their political domain.
- Sun Mar 24 08:38 Comment: Mildly entertaining Berber thread on whether ajuus is the same as the Tamazight exclamation ayuz
- Mon Mar 25 01:55 Historia de Barcelona, 25/3: * 1329: Empieza construcción de Santa María del Mar (14) * 1580: Luis de León gana un certámen poético sobre la inmortalidad del alma (34) * 1749: Fundación de la sociedad de préstamo caritativo, el Real Monte de Piedad de…
- Mon Mar 25 07:03 Confused dysphagics must show one spoonful has gone down before next goes in, so required to speak word clearly ("YES!"). However, test value increased when word is aspirated, demonstrating free airway: "HIPPY!" great for ward morale, but any aspirated consonant good - "PIG!" etc
- Mon Mar 25 11:35 Los Zara's, another group from Southern Europe contracted to work in higher wage Anglo environments in the 60s & early 70s, in this case Las Vegas
- Mon Mar 25 11:37 Comment: See also Arrivederci Saigon, about Le Stars from Red Tuscany in Vietnam
- Mon Mar 25 11:37 Comment: Not to forget El Gran Picasso and his ping-pong balls
- Mon Mar 25 16:54 What kind of historian thinks he's got unlimited time to interview a 90-year-old? A prehistorian.
- Mon Mar 25 19:56 You can say one thing about the Czechs: they know how to pack their aspirins
- Mon Mar 25 23:50 Historia de Barcelona, 26/3: * 1626: Al entrar por primera vez en Barcelona, Felipe IV cambia de caballo para no incomodar al conseller en cap (1576+197/i) * 1629: Empieza construcción de la Casa de Convalecencia (11) * ☼ 06:42-19:11, 12:28 horas; ☾…
- Tue Mar 26 08:12 The Sackler controversy could be resolved if registered junkies were entitled to free lunch at the institutions that lapped up the cash - National Portrait Gallery, National Gallery, British Museum, Design Museum, Museum of London, Tate Modern/Britain etc
- Tue Mar 26 11:57 "But have you made your mark yet?" "My blackberry jam is pretty good."
- Tue Mar 26 13:43 British Library locker room is like Ryanair arrival - everyone scrabbling with their bags & rushing off as though what happens next is of any significance
- Tue Mar 26 14:33 Looking like Montenegro will join the EU roughly when the UK leaves
- Tue Mar 26 14:38 So perhaps "bicycle face" & other C19th warnings against female cycling had basis in fact Not much fun at times for men either
- Tue Mar 26 17:48 Was Robin Hood diphallic?
- Tue Mar 26 21:14 Some great pictures of Liverpool's spectacular Custom House, built in the 1830s & demolished by Hitler & the council in the 1940s I'm curious as to when exactly in the 1830s the shell was completed
- Wed Mar 27 01:02 Historia de Barcelona, 27/3: * 1461: Expulsados los "castellanos" y "vascos" (30) * 1842: Pascuas de Resurrección y Pentecostes, 1842: Cordero en la mesa, excursiones al Coll (110) * 1869: Sale el primer número de la revista satírica La Flaca (493+16/i)…
- Wed Mar 27 06:49 Comment: @Transblawg Ah, a new tenant. "We are sourcing the best traditional and modern dishes from Germany for you" is very encouraging.
- Wed Mar 27 07:03 My lawyer tells me that Article 13 means that when someone videos me organ-grinding I can knock them down and empty their wallet. This goes some way to compensating for the death of cash.
- Wed Mar 27 09:46 Spain to apologise for rescuing the Tlaxcaltecs from the Aztecs if Mexico apologises for mariachis.
- Wed Mar 27 19:12 .@SW_Help I'm owed a refund for a recent journey bought via you - your train was 20 minutes late. Is it really true - as the form on your website says - that I have to print out a form and post it and the tickets to Southampton? If so, I'll book with someone else next time.
- Wed Mar 27 21:36 Or, why does parliament deserve to be sovereign if it ain't representative?
- Thu Mar 28 01:11 Historia de Barcelona, 28/3: * 1460: Entra Carlos de Viana durante el conflicto con Juan II de Aragón (17) * 1706: Los burgueses y catalanes se preparan para defender la ciudad, los ingleses y holandeses el castillo de Montjuic (162+18) * 1849:…
- Thu Mar 28 05:15 V confused: there isn't a deal or an extension in sight, so why aren't the headlines announcing that we're going out on Friday night?
- Thu Mar 28 05:40 Comment: @tombcn Oh bollocks, so changed in UK law & accepted by the EU? Must try harder
- Thu Mar 28 05:41 If I could be anywhere now, it might be Bolivia
- Thu Mar 28 06:15 Comment: @tombcn Unbearable
- Thu Mar 28 09:41 Comment: @SW_Help So to answer my question, do you really have to print off a form and post it and tickets to Southampton, like in the 20th century?
- Thu Mar 28 13:47 Comment: @Transblawg In my dreams
- Thu Mar 28 19:45 This could make me hate Beethoven
- Thu Mar 28 20:15 Latest viral challenge sweeping the world
- Thu Mar 28 20:30 Sickest Child Ballads
- Thu Mar 28 20:33 Comment: Pretty sure the first Child Ballad I heard was Barbara Allen in the marvellous Joan Baez recording
- Thu Mar 28 20:57 "The Life, Adventures, and Opinions of a Liverpool Policeman," pub 1841, can't be anything but good, even if Thomas Hall was a Rev.
- Fri Mar 29 01:14 Historia de Barcelona, 29/3: * 1636: Entra un espléndido bigote castellano, camino al amor de una italiana riquísima y el virreinato de Nápoles (134/i) * 1799: Entra en vigor la dispensa papal permitiendo el consumo de carne durante Cuaresma (27) * 1919:…
- Fri Mar 29 08:46 What can beat Well St Tesco starting to stock rollmops? A small girl reciting The Owl & the Pussy-Cat. Now, since her Spanish is fluent, the best Reconquista ballad, presumably re 1489 siege of Baeza: "Sobre Baza estaba el Rey, / lunes, después de yantar"
- Fri Mar 29 08:52 Perhaps this is saying that sociology is basically a bad acid trip but who cares
- Fri Mar 29 09:25 But seriously, are we going to burn an effigy of Verhofstadt on Nov 5?
- Sat Mar 30 01:23 Historia de Barcelona, 30/3: * 1410: Terremoto muy grande (11+10) * 1623: La ciudad manda evitar la acumulación de ballasto en el puerto (29+42/i) * 1873: Quema y profanación de iglesias tras la toma por los carlistas de Berga (391) * 1919: Pla: Diumenge…
- Sat Mar 30 07:00 Uber & Co. pollution cloud nestling over north London on Old Brexit Eve
- Sat Mar 30 07:21 Curious that the Angolan flag hasn't been adopted by the gear- and machete-loving neighbours
- Sat Mar 30 08:18 The gent who several weeks ago was making epic voyages round the end of his bed is still alive but now believes he is being persecuted by auditors. I believe this is the first study to show a long-term downside to good corporate governance.
- Sat Mar 30 08:23 Dominic Grieve just don't care
- Sat Mar 30 08:47 On the friendship between Myra Hess & Irene Scharrer
- Sun Mar 31 01:08 Compère to elderly seaside audience: The next song is called Eternity, and since many of you are living close to...
- Sun Mar 31 01:09 Comment: ... the sea
- Sun Mar 31 01:15 Comment: Plus a guy who, unwarned, could sing along with Tom Lehrer
- Sun Mar 31 01:18 How much better history would have been had Flashman at the Charge been written 100 years earlier and accepted as the great Romantic novel
- Sun Mar 31 01:27 "One guy, his sole duty was to load guns." I hadn't 100% accepted that Spike Jones was all live
- Sun Mar 31 01:30 Historia de Barcelona, 31/3: * 1569: Llega noticia del asesinato del líder de los hugonotes (25) * 1854: Huelga de artesanos (36) * 1919: Pla: La vaga general –ja morta– s’ha acabat oficialment avui * ☼ 06:34-19:16, 12:42 horas; ☾ luna menguante,…
- Sun Mar 31 01:32 Comment: My first company in the Netherlands had the name pronounced at , which the tax authorities accepted after an explanatory phone conversation
- Sun Mar 31 01:50 Comment: Spike Jones was inspired by Stravinsky's shoes
- Sun Mar 31 20:38 I think my old Fucked Translation blog showed that the (Spanish) political left and right are equally venal and inept when it comes to Furrin , but this story is lunch for my hunch that Republicans are quietly better at languages than Democrats
- Sun Mar 31 22:34 Historia de Barcelona, 1/4: * 1777: Nace Alí Bey (15+179) * 1809: Numerosas detenciones por negarse a jurar lealtad a los franceses (657) * 1828: Fernando VII y su tercera esposa visitan los baños públicos de Can Casteliu (0+6) * 1836: Dimite Espoz y…
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